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© Amber Kalkes 2015


"Sleeping Beauty" By A Perfect Circle


“You’re insane! That is completely insane!”

I laugh as Wyatt looks at me like I’ve just committed the worst sin imaginable. We’ve been up for about an hour now just chatting in his bed. My cheeks are starting to hurt from all the smiling I’ve been doing and to my recollection I don’t think I’ve even been this happy.

In this lapse of time the incidence of the days before seem like far away memories as we simply enjoy each other’s company. Its like living in a bubble too fragile to even be mentioned without fear it’ll pop. The things we talk about seem like stupid things but they’re things that keep us distracted from our fears.

We don’t talk about Adam or the darkness that is living inside me. We don’t talk about the danger lurking outside of this apartment or the chaos soon to follow after it. We don’t talk about it because I think both of us don’t want to ruin the solace we’ve made ourselves.

We don’t want to give the illusion, not yet.

“No it isn’t.” I deny with a grin. “It is completely normal to have never played on an X-box or a PS4 or any of that stuff.”

“How do you totally bypass the whole gaming thing? Please at least tell me you had a Gameboy or something.”

“Nope. I think I had a Tamagotchi once though.”

Wyatt shakes his head in disbelief and I can’t help but laugh a little more at the look on his face. His glasses are still on the windowsill behind us and I’ve been taking the opportunity to really study his face. Other than the little rings of gold in his brown eyes, to thin and spaced to be seen from a distance, I’ve also noticed how many beauty marks he has.

“So you’re an only child?” I ask trying to change the subject.

He nods before cuddling into my chest. “Yup. My mom died soon after I was born. Her body just couldn’t handle carrying me I guess.”

Hugging him closer to me a lay a small kiss on top of his hair. “I’m sorry, Wyatt.”

“Don’t be. It was a long time ago.” He says quietly before moving his head so he can look up at me. “What about you?”

“I have a younger sister, Natalia.”

Wyatt smiles softly at me. “Does she look like you?”

“A little but my mother always said I favored my father in looks. Natalia’s hair is closer to blonde then brown like our mother’s. She also has bright blue eyes that look just like our babushka.”


I laugh. “Babushka. Its Russian for grandmother.”

“Oh. Well how old is Natalia?”

“She’s fourteen I think.”

“You think?”

I avert my eyes and shrug. “I haven’t seen her in a few years.”


“My mom said it wasn’t for the best.” I say with a sigh.

It still hurts me more than I can explain, being forced away from my family. The hurt and betrayal of it never really goes away I don’t think. No matter how much she wants to make it up to me now something like that just…sticks.

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