Author's Note (PLEASE READ)

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Hello lovely readers. First off I just want to start off by saying that I appreciate the reads and support!

I am enjoying writing this a lot, but I do have some bad news, unfortunately. "New Girl at UA" will be temporarily be halted. I am a junior in college which means I do have a lot of other things going on in my life and since it is now halfway through the semester I really need to buckle down and make sure my studies are in order. 

Do not worry though, this is not a "Goodbye", this is a simple "See You Later".

I can't say for sure when I will upload a new chapter, but as some of you may have noticed, I haven't been uploading as frequently as I'd like.

Soooooo for the time being, I will continue writing this book and completing chapters, but the catch is it will be on my own time when I have time and I will most likely not publish them unless I feel it is adequate enough for you lovely people. 

I am enjoying myself so much writing this story about my OC and I hope you are all enjoying reading it as well.

Thank you so much for all the support I've gotten on this story.

As I said before this is a temporary thing and I will be back, I have not lost inspiration or ideas, in fact, it's quite the opposite. I have a whole storyboard that I worked up for this story, I just need this break to make sure I am getting you lovely people the best writing I can give you.

For now, please give the chapters some votes and share it with your friends if you could. Getting my writing out there to more people would be the best. 

Anywho, I've taken so much time ranting.

I love you all!!! See you later.

Much Love,

xoxo Teddy Bear <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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