"The Caregiver and the Mob Boss" ❦
Avelina makes her money by taking care of those who can't take care of themselves. When she is handed a case about a man who had needed a personal caregiver, she accepts. One thing Avelina never anticipated was the...
Normalcy /norm-al-see/ n. the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected.
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THEY WERE SEATED at the piano. Avelina was on top of it, much to Adrik's discomfort. He didn't like it when people sat on things that weren't made to be sat on. Although, he dusted off his uneasiness only for Avelina. As he sat on the piano bench, he was enjoying the musical sound orchestrated from the keys he played.
Avelina didn't know many classical pieces, and she honestly didn't recognize the one he was currently playing. Although, she knew for sure that it had to be Beethoven because it was all he ever spoke about.
The music was not sad, nor was it happy. It was quite nostalgic and it left Avelina wishing she could understand what was going on in his mind as he played the sound for her to hear. The way he played was absolutely magical. He told a story with his fingers and led the sound to vibrate so comfortably within her ears. It was beautiful.
She began to wonder if music was how he managed to express himself when he was younger. Maybe that is where he grew this fascination with Beethoven and classical music. She could only imagine his difficulty with saying the things he truly wanted to say at the age he was at now, it had to have only been harder as a child.
"Adrik," Avelina called out to him.
He pretended not to hear a word she spoke as he continued to play his piece, completely ignoring her. Adrik knew that he had to finish in order to feel better. Interruptions were his least favorite part when telling his story.
She let out a sigh before getting off of his piano and heading into the kitchen. Her hand swept through her hair as her thoughts began to speak all at once in the echos of her mind. She wanted to help him and it was frustrating that she could do so little when he wouldn't even talk to her.
After his mother had left and Avelina had asked him to tell her about what happened in his life-he completely shut down. He walked away from her and into his piano room where he began to play song after song. No words were exchanged between the two of them after that and Avelina wished she could understand why. It just didn't make sense.
He was doing so well with speaking about how he felt. They managed to make it so far. She couldn't understand why he decided to just shut her out all of the sudden.
"My mother always told me that if you keep frowning like that, you're going to get some serious wrinkles," Anton spoke, walking into the kitchen. Avelina jumped in surprise as her hand stretched out over her heart.
"Gosh, you scared me," she chuckled.
"Sorry. I just got here. I was going to knock, but then I heard boss man playing his piano, so the guard let me in," Anton explained like it was the most normal thing in the world. Avelina nodded her head before suddenly realizing how rude she was being.