Chapter 1

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Ever since we got back from our rogue mission, I became known as 007. Zoe gave the name to me. Erica was already well known but the rest of the team became well known in the Academy.

After the rogue mission, Internal Affairs went hard on the students because SPYDER was able to abduct me from my own dorm, it was clear they had a mole. Murray Hill, a fourth-year was found in his room with SPYDER documents.

Murray Hill was taken into custody but wouldn't say anything. He was somehow able to escape but he had a tracker on him.

"Ben Ripley, Mike Buttercup, and Zoe Zibbell report to the Pirncipals office immediately." announced the Principal snapping me out of my daydream. I gathered my stuff and quickly made my way to the principal's office. I stopped on the way to wait for Mike.

Me and Mike talked for a bit while we made our way to the office. My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket.

The text was from Erica

Stop dawdling and move double time. This is important.

I told Mike we have to run to the office and I made it there in 13.57 seconds. Mike lagged behind and took about 17.48 seconds. 

We walked into the principal's office and immediately Cyrus said "You're late"

"I'm actually 5.23 seconds early," I said

Cyrus glared at me then softened his glare. Cyrus had some respect for me after saving the mission and possibly Erica's life in Operation Fighting Finch. 

He handed me an FYEO envelope: 

For your eyes only

Operation Silent Salmon

I heard Mike snickering at the name and Cyrus just glared at him.

Objective: Follow SPYDER to their HQ and find them and thwart their plans.

Operation Leader: Cyrus Hale

Agents: Mike Brezinski, Benjamin Ripley, Cyrus Hale, Erica Hale, Catherine Hale, JANE RIPLEY.

"Wait WHAT!" I shouted "My mother is not a spy. She works for Medical Insurance 6"

"Take the first letter of them," said Erica still reading 101 ways to incapacitate enemies

"MI6," I said out loud. I was going nuts and said out loud "I need air." I left the room and pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hi darling," said my mom.

"MI6," I said icily


"I know the truth"

"Honey, I had to do this for the sake of my country. Your father works at the CIA as an agent. He isn't the greatest agent but he is an agent. You are a legacy, just our family isn't as great as the Hale's." she said switching to a British accent

I was stunned and hung up on the phone. My mind was swimming with thoughts. I'm a legacy! My parents are spies! My life is a lie! Maybe not that last one though.

I re-entered the room and Cyrus dismissed us and told us to meet him at the entrance at 2100.

I got my stuff packed up and got ready for the mission. I packed my utility belt with necessary stuff and sat on my bed thinking. If I was a legacy that means that I was supposed to be a spy from birth. It would explain why I had so much training even before Spy School. 

I made my way to the van 15 minutes early and was greeted by Erica and Cyrus talking to Catherine and my mom. 

"Benjamin, welcome." said Catherine "I assume you would like to privately talk to your mom?"

I nodded and my mom followed me to the woods. As soon as I got out of earshot I hugged my mom. She hugged me back. She brought out a container with a piece of pie.

"You have grown so much! said my mom excitedly then she whispered, "I heard you have a crush on Erica." 

I turned red and whisper-shouted "MOM STOP OR I WILL SEDATE YOU."

She wisely didn't put that to the test and I finished my piece of pie and we walked back to the car. Everyone had loaded their luggage in and were seated. There were two spots left next to Catherine and Erica. I let my mother sit next to Catherine and made my way over to Erica. My mother picked up on this and smirked.

"It's a 45-minute drive to the airfield," shouted Cyrus from the front seat. This CIA vehicle didn't have a passenger seat but rather a small armory built into the vehicle. I pulled out my phone and made a group chat with me, Zoe, Mike, and Erica.

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