Chapter 4

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When the elevator doors opened again I was not expecting to see a minefield of bodies and Erica frowned. I stepped over the bodies which all had sedatives in them and went to the room. The door was ajar and I peeked in and saw a battle going on. I immediately reached for my sedative gun and shot some of the men hiding behind a table.

"Erica, dear, there is a bit of a scuffle going on," said Catherine in her cheery voice.

Me and Erica moved in and started shooting them. despite the fact the men had silenced weapons, it was loud. Eventually, I ran out of darts and beat a man in hand to hand combat. By now the battle was over. Murray was still in his chair

"We need to move hotels," said Cyrus in a concerned tone. We all started packing but I noticed mom in some pain. I moved over and winced. She had taken a bullet to the leg. I immediately brought out my first aid kit and gestured for her to get on the floor and took out the bullet. I poured some alcohol and bandaged it within a minute. I nodded at her and she got back up.

"Your good," I said in a concerned tone, "but don't overwork your leg."

"My son a doctor," she joked "who knew?"

"I did," said Erica from behind me, "anyways pack your stuff."

Mom glanced at me with a What? expression and got her stuff ready. 

I told her quickly after Erica was out of earshot "I may or not of took a bullet out of her arm last mission."

"What a gentleman," She said after smirking, "looking after your future wife."

I turned red and whisper-shouted, "MOM STOP OR I WILL SEDATE YOU." 

"But your out of darts," she said smirking.

"I will use my taser," I said dangerously. I tased Murray and carried him to the elevator where everyone was waiting.

"Anyone have sedate darts?" I asked. Catherine handed me a pack of darts and I sedated Murray fully. I reloaded my sedate gun and propped Murray on the elevator. Mom came limping not soon after. Catherine rushed to her side and helped her. 

"I'm guessing Ben helped you with it before?" said Catherine. 

"Yes, he took out the bullet," said my mother with a hint of pride.

I blushed a bit and we went to the lobby. Me and Mike were holding Murray up as we exited the building. Erica hotwired a van so all of us could fit in the van. I propped Murray on one of the seats and we all sat in the van. I sat next to mom and Erica.

"We are going to a hotel 20 minutes from here," announced Cyrus with a tired tone.

In the meantime, I decided to continue reloading my sedate magazines and asked if anyone had any sedate darts. Not surprisingly, Erica had some and handed me about 20. I got to work reloading my magazines. It took me 17 minutes and 24 seconds to reload it. I went to my phone and checked my emails and messages.

"Were here," announced Cyrus. I stepped out to see a lavish hotel, even Erica seemed somewhat surprised she muttered under her breath "the budget's gone haywire." I was confused and we walked in using the same "Our friend bonked his head and is unconscious" trick as before and they seemed to buy it. Cyrus got three rooms and we set up our stuff.

"Ben go get Murray awake," replied Catherine in her cheery tone and handed me some pills and said, "these will make him conscious."

I went to the closet Murray was and forced a pill down his throat. I also gave him some water. I went out and ate a couple of snacks and a sandwich and he burst awake. I went back to him and went to my menacing voice. I injected some truth sedative and started the interrogation.

"What are SPYDER's plans?"

"I don't know," he said, "only the higher-ups know."

"What's the password to the keypad?"

"294742," he said.

I left the room and found Erica.

"He doesn't know the plans but knows the password to the keypad," I reported, "It's 294742"

She nodded and smiled at me then went to the closet. 

Little did we know how much trouble this SPYDER agent would bring us to.

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