Chapter 2

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Ben: Welcome to the group chat :)


Mike: A group chat is an electronic conversation by two or more people.

Erica: I know that I am asking why?

Zoe: Ask Ben

Ben: hmm for anything

Erica: This is too traceable:l

Zoe: T or D

Mike: I'll go first, Truth

Zoe: I dare you to-


"We are here." Said Cyrus gruffly. We all grabbed our luggage and carried it to a private jet. It was an old jet with the entertainment systems of the '70s. There were a couple of rows of seats and Cyrus was piloting. There were three rows on the jet and we had to share with someone. Me and Erica shared a row.

"Buckle up and sleep, it's midnight," informed Cyrus on the intercom system.

I asked Erica "Where is the mission going to?"

She answered drowsily "Chichen Itza is where they are hiding." She then put her head on my shoulder and started sleeping. I blushed and pulled out my phone to search it up. I knew Chichen Itza was a wonder of the world but I didn't know much more. I frowned when I realized that there weren't many spaces to build a base.

Catherine looked back and smirked and looked back. I was already red and turned even redder. Catherine must have whispered to my mom because then my mom looked back and saw us and smirked, I turned even redder. I didn't want to wake up Erica because, to be honest, I liked Erica sleeping on my shoulder. She was cute when she was sleeping.

I eventually fell asleep on top of her head.


I was woken up by the intercom blaring a klaxon. I immediately brought out my pistol and braced for a crash landing, only to find out this was Cyrus's way of a wake-up call. Erica had gotten up and was awake.

"We have landed," said Cyrus's voice over the intercom. I noticed Mike and Zoe get up. We got on a tour bus to Chichen Itza. Mike and Zoe were thinking of going sightseeing but we decided to start thinking about SPYDER's base.

Me and Erica went on surveillance duty and we staked out the main pyramid as well as going around to the others. I noticed a boy that looked somewhat familiar. He was heading to one of the buildings. 

Erica growled under her breath, she hissed "That's Murray Hill."

We followed him to the building and watched as pressed a button, typed on a keypad, and walked through a hidden door. Me and Erica got to it and started bugging it because we didn't know the password. Erica set up two cameras one pointing to where the keypad was before.

"Let's go report this to them," said Erica. We ambled through the paths pretending to be sightseeing. We eventually went to the hotel and got to the room. I used the key we had and opened it.

"We know where their HQ is," I announced. 

"Well where is it, don't leave us hanging!" said my mom.

"It's the ancient observatory building." Erica announced, "We set bugs, and there is a button and a keypad."

Zoe and Mike set up the technology and the camera feed. Me and Erica decided to go pick up food for everyone. We went to the nearest McDonald's. 

I asked Erica if she knows Spanish she looked at me like I was an idiot. 

"Yes do you not?" she said like I was an idiot. I decided to stay in the car while she picked up the food. I noticed Murray Hill get out of a nearby vehicle. I jumped straight up and opened my door. I pulled out my sedative gun and shot him in the neck. I picked him up and dragged him to the trunk. Erica came out during this and cocked an eyebrow. I just nodded and asked her to unlock the trunk. She unlocked the trunk and I put him inside.

"What's the story," she asked.

"I'll tell you while on the road," I said slightly out of breath.

End of Chapter 2

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