Chapter 13

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It was a lame trick, but it was the only thing I could think of. I pulled out my taser and clicked it to high voltage. Hopefully, this would overload the system. I jammed it into the control panel and pulled the trigger. I pulled the taser away after 10 seconds and dropped the taser.

The taser was half melted and I got some burns on my arm. I looked at the panel and it displayed a message.


It worked. I made my way to the balcony where the battle was still raging. I pulled out a grenade and threw it behind their cover. I felt a sharp pain in my back and blacked out.

Erica POV

I watched as Ben crumpled onto the ground. I immediately rushed to his side. I peeled off his blood-soaked shirt. I checked his gunshot wounds and they had re-opened themselves. I quickly popped two pain-killers in his mouth then got a medical-kit out from my utility belt and started pouring alcohol and started re-bandaging the wound. I checked his side and gasped. The shrapnel was far too deep for me to remove it. Luckily the heat cauterized much of the flesh so there wasn't much blood. I picked up Ben and took him behind cover. I took out my pistols and started firing at the SPYDER agents. Not five minutes later we finished the battle. Some of the CIA agents loaded Ben into a van and we took him to the airfield. 


I briefly came back into consciousness and felt someone squeezing my hand. I blacked out again.

Erica POV

I took Ben out of the plane and into the CIA hospital at the airfield. They got to work and started surgery on the shrapnel. We were told that the chances for survival were 80%. We were in the waiting room and I felt my eyes gloss over. Cyrus was there and he looked somewhat sad as well. Mike and Zoe were hugging each other and sobbing quietly.

My mom moved to my side.

"He won't die because you two have to be together," she whispered into my ear. I turned red and tapped my sedative gun. 

Then a surgeon came out of the operating room and she looked excited. I deduced that Ben was still alive. 

"Ben is still alive but he will need to rest for two weeks to fully heal," announced the surgeon.

"Who wants to visit him first?" said the surgeon.

I quickly said "Me."


I watched as Erica gracefully came into the room and kicked out the doctors. I smiled at this. 

Then Erica came next to me and said smirking "I thought I told you to not to ever go dead on me?" 

Then she kissed me. I heard my heartbeat go up. When she finally pulled away I quickly said "Willyoubemygirlfriend?"

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend IF you stop trying to kill yourself," she said smiling.

"I have to take a break from missions so yeah I won't go dead on you," I said smiling. 

She kissed me again for much longer and then Catherine walked in on us.

"OMG YASSSSSS BERICA FOREVER," She shouted. Me and Erica turned red and she pulled away. Erica pulled out her sedative gun and turned cold again "Don't tell anyone."

"Erica, I think it's too late," I said embarrassed as everybody else piled into the room.

Mike gasped and grinned at me. Zoe seemed jealous but was still was happy. Cyrus seemed annoyed. 

Me and Erica turned red and then Cyrus kicked them out.

"I knew this would happen," he said, "But if you hurt my granddaughter I will torture and kill you."

I yelped and said yes.

"You're lucky I respect you as an agent," said Cyrus then he left the room.

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