Chapter 5

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I walked up to Cyrus who was fumbling with the power cables to the listening devices. 

"Cyrus, we need some more people on the mission," I said quietly. Cyrus frowned and then nodded slightly.

"I think Jawa and Chip would be good fits on the mission," I continued "check them."

During the three months between the end of Operation FIghting Finch and the start of Operation Silent Salmon, I made a couple of acquaintances. Jawa was one of the best recruits I had seen in the academy. Chip on the other hand was strong and we could use him in case of fighting.

I had come to respect them as at least good spies in training. They respected me as 007. They were in my friend group. I noticed Cyrus come toward me so I got ready.

"I think they are good fits for the mission," said Cyrus, "I'll go tell everyone else."

I nodded and pulled out my phone to call them. Only to get the phone taken from me. Lilacs and gunpowder. 

"What's it about," I asked

"The prisoner has a tracker on him," she replied

I cursed under my breath and walked to him. Erica pulled out a bag with a little metal chip in it. That was most likely the tracker. I made a quick plan and ran to Cyrus.

"Do we have a drone?" I asked

"Yes," he said, "Catherine knows where it is."

I went to Catherine and she already had it pulled out. I took it from her and stuck the tracker on it. I flew it to a different building and hoped SPYDER wouldn't realize.

"What did you do?" said Erica with a hint of confusion.

"I flew the tracker to a different building and left it there," I said.

She nodded and went back to setting up the stuff. I took a quick shower and put on some clothes.

"Buttercups, sleep for tomorrow," announced Cyrus.

There were 4 beds in the two rooms so Cyrus got his own one. I laid down on the bed and Erica came next to me and laid down. She took my hand to my surprise. I fell asleep in the smell of gunpowder and lilacs. 

I dreamed of guns and Erica.

When I woke up I noticed it was 7:53 and I got up. I noticed Mike and Zoe cuddling and snapped a picture. I then brushed my teeth and went to the mini-fridge. I took out some cookies and ate a couple. I noticed someone behind me watching me so I pulled out my gun and pointed it at them while eating cookies.

I heard a snicker from that person. 

"You would shoot me?" said Erica playfully.

I put the gun back into my belt and said "What's the news?"

"Our bugs picked up something and they are arriving in 30 minutes," she said then vanished.

I took a cookie with me and immediately went to the bug listening tech we had set up. Erica pressed a button and I heard voices.

Is everything ready to go for the 19th?

Yes sir said a different voice

"I thought we only bugged the doors?" I said confused.

"Grandpa took your idea of using a drone and rigged one to shoot bugs," she said, "oh, and nice idea with the drone."

I took the praise and left the room. I knew that Chip and Jawa would be coming soon but I didn't know when. I took a bottle of water and drank it. I heard someone knock on the door and looked through the peephole.

I shouted to everyone "They're here." 

I opened the door and they both hugged me.

"Thank you so much for putting us on the mission, Ben," said Jawa in a happy tone of voice "or should I call you 007?"

I smiled and said, "You can call me Ben."

I took them to see Zoe and Mike and showed them how they cuddled each other while sleeping.

Chip smirked and said, "I heard Erica cuddled you last mission."

 I turned red and pulled out my sedate gun and said "don't bring that up or I will seriously maim you."

Chip and Jawa snickered under their breath and wisely didn't bring it up.

I got some warm and cold water and dumped it on them. They woke up angry and everybody started laughing at them. They both turned red and tried to hide. I heard a snicker from behind me and saw Erica there.

Chip noticed Erica and said snickering, "What's up Ice Queen, or should I say 007's Queen." 

She promptly turned pink and I tased Chip with a low shock. 

"I told him not to say anything like that," I muttered.

It was at this moment that Cyrus Hale walked in.

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