Chapter 10

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"Their plan is to wipe out the head of states of the countries going to the Mexico City climate accords, they can then either accelerate climate change to make money, or they can replace those world leaders with moles," I said quickly.

"They would be using missiles to do that," said Erica coming to the realization from the logs. I turned a little red at the memories of the kiss.

"Exactly," I said.

Catherine and my mom were gaping at this point. Mike and Zoe seemed shocked but not as much since they had previously encountered SPYDER. 

"We need to find the launchpad," said Catherine.

"Yes, but we first need to sleep," said Mike rubbing his eyes.

"We'll sleep in the car for today," said Mom. Erica looked at me with an I have to do this expression and then I felt a prick and it all went black. She sedated me.

I woke up and tried to get up only to feel pain flaring through my upper body. I collapsed onto the floor again. I saw Erica pop a pill in my mouth and the pain subsided.

I peeked out the window and saw a shabby motel. I noticed Catherine walking back to the car. I got up and felt someone take my weight. Erica was propping me up and I nodded appreciatively. I noticed a man in a suit and saw Erica's eyes narrow.

"Who's that?" I mumbled out.

"Alexander," said Erica in a disappointed tone. As if he had been waiting for those words the man turned around and saw us.

He gaped at the condition of me. I did a half-smile. Erica ignored him and went to the elevator. She punched in floor number 3. She walked me to room 32 where I saw Mom unpacking. Erica led me to a chair and I sat down. I sighed and put on a headset. I read the auto typer on it that we enabled while on the move.


Now there were mentions of 7 AM and that the impact would be 8:30.

7 AM were when they would launch. 8:30 would be when it impacted. Meaning we had 21 hours to stop their plans. This mission was going worse than expected. This gave me a couple of clues, however. If it would take ninety minutes in the air, then according to my calculations, the missile was being launched from 1700-1800 miles away.

I did some quick searches using my phone and there was only one candidate. The Mexican space agency had a launch site 1700 miles from Mexico City. They would have to take control of the site then install their missile to launch it. That would take on average three hours from my guess. We would have to get there by helicopter due to the mountainous terrain. It would take about 6.5 hours to get there. We had some time. I left for an early lunch, late breakfast, and was ready to tell them my breakthrough.

When I arrived by limping in the main room I shouted "I know more details about their plan."

Everyone came rushing out of their rooms. I announced," "They are going to capture a Mexican space site 1700 miles away to launch their rocket."

"Catherine, we need the fastest helicopter we can get."

"Erica we need weaponry"

"Zoe we need you to try to hack into that system"

"Alexander we need CIA agents to help assist"

"Mike I want you to inform the CIA"

"Jawa and Chip we need some more intel so bring along the listening system"

"And I need some painkillers," I said before buckling over and falling. Erica caught me and shoved a painkiller in my mouth and I got back up. Erica handed me the whole bottle of painkillers for safe measure.

"Operation Silent Salmon is a go" 

It's a shorter chapter but it's an important chapter

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