Chapter 12

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I grabbed the glider out of my utility belt and quickly tied it to my back. I pulled out my dual M9's and got the agents in my sights. There were 30 agents. I opened fire and 12 fell down. Erica took the opportunity and sprang into the fight. Cyrus joined Erica in the fight and Alexander cowered in the corner.

I pulled out my taser and tased three of them. I ejected the glider and rolled onto the guard. The enemy agents were all down on the ground. I reloaded my M9's and popped a painkiller into my mouth.

"Thanks for the rescue," said Erica. I nodded and took one of the agent's rifle and slung it over my back. 

"We need to find out the status of the main strike team and reprogram the system."

I switched the frequency to the main frequency. I heard some gunfire and then a "Clear"

"They're doing fine," I reported.

We continued our movement and looked at the main control center. I switched back to the main frequency.

"We're at the target provide cover fire."

Immediately a gunfight broke out. I pulled out my rifle and sniped two enemies. Alexander opted to stay back and help in the gunfight. I let him go because he was incompetent. On the other side of the battlefield, I saw some armed thugs loading in some missiles into a small rocket.

I noticed Erica's breath hitched. I glanced at her.

"That many explosives are enough to level all of Mexico City," she said in a concerned and slightly panicked voice. I pulled out my rifle and tried to take out the thugs. I took cover behind some boxes and aimed at the thugs. 

"Let's go behind our lines and try to get past to the henchmen," said Cyrus.

"Let's go up to the launching platform," I countered.

Cyrus glanced up and nodded. I took out a grappling hook and had it hook the railing. I put on some gloves and started climbing. Some people shot at us but I shot their bullets out of the air. I made it across and noticed the door was ajar. I had a grenade at the ready but then I heard a click from behind.

I spun around with my hand on my gun.

"Don't even try Ripley," said a voice from behind. Erica had a gun to her head.

"Drop your weapons and kick them over to me," he said.

"You're the Mr.E that the transcripts said aren't you," I said while dropping my guns and rifle.

"Right you are," he said as he turned to Cyrus and gave him a you to glance. Cyrus started dropping his weapons. I had a lame plan but it could work with luck. I pulled out my grenade and pulled the pin. I rolled it over and jumped on Erica and rolled her away. I felt shrapnel and the heat of the explosion hit my side. 

Erica peeled away and said "Good plan, and thank you."

I took the praise and said, "I-I'm out of action."

Erica had a glint of sadness but grabbed a rifle and gave it to me. I grabbed some of my weapons back and aimed it toward the building. She threw a  grenade and the wall crumbled. I opened fire and took out 2 of the men. Erica gracefully leapt into action and knocked out the men. Cyrus just shot them. I remembered my painkillers and popped one and winced as I got up. 

I made my way to the control panel. The panel said 


7 minutes 23 seconds

Erica started typing furiously into the computer and cursed.

"It's locked down," she said with some panic in her voice.

I started thinking of some possible ways to stop the system. I started searching for the room looking for possibilities.

"Ben we have 2 minutes!" Shouted Erica.

Then it hit me.

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