Chapter 6

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When Cyrus saw me tasing Chip, he pulled out his own gun and pointed it at me. I put my hands up. Jawa looked like he was on the verge of bursting out laughing. Mike and Zoe were confused but still smirked at my obvious embarrassment and Erica's as well. Mike deduced something had happened between the two of us last mission that was embarrassing.

"What happened here?" asked Cyrus.

"I may have tased Chip because he was making fun of me," I said looking down and embarrassed. I couldn't let Cyrus know that Erica cuddled me. He would kill me.

I was blushing red and saw Erica blushing pink too. Everyone else was holding in laughter. Erica shot them all looks and they quickly became scared.

"What was he making fun about?" asked Cyrus not as suspicious as before.

"That's classified," I mumbled quickly then bolted out of there. Cyrus was no longer suspicious but everyone else would probably know about what happened. To no one's surprise after 5 minutes Mike came out and grinned at me.

"I heard you cuddled with Erica," said Mike. I blushed red and tapped my taser.

"I saw that you cuddled with Zoe," I fired back. Mike immediately blushed red and I took this to my advantage.

"Why don't we make a deal, you don't bring that up, and I won't bring you and Zoe up," I said threateningly.

Mike just nodded and we shook hands. I knew that Jawa probably told him so I went to the room. I noticed Chip was up so I apologized.

"Well, sorry about that, but don't bring that up ever or I will do that again," I offered. Chip looked scared and nodded.

2 down 2 more to go

I made my way to where Zoe was sitting. She was grinning at me. 

"Don't bring that up ever again, or you will feel my taser," I threatened. Zoe just gulped and nodded.

I found Jawa near the mini-fridge. I gulped as he would be the hardest to deal with.

"Jawa don't ever bring that up or I will taser you," I said in my most menacing voice.

"Sure," said Jawa, "As long as I can bring it up at your wedding with Erica."

I flushed red and Jawa smirked. I couldn't tase him because I didn't want Cyrus to get any more suspicious of me. I sighed and went to the bug listening station. I put on the headset and listened. Nothing.

I sat there thinking and listening until I noticed Erica come and sit next to me. I took off my headset.

"How did they find out," she hissed.

"I didn't tell them," I said defensively.

She locked her eyes with mine and studied them.

"You didn't tell them," she said, "then how did they find out?"

"Your mom?" I said cautiously, "My mom?"

She sighed and put on her headset. I put my headset back on. I slumped back in my chair hoping the bugs outside would pick up something. Erica was already writing down some chatter but I didn't have any. I looked at her paper and didn't notice anything other than fantasy football and boring chatter. I left the room and decided to do some surveillance by myself. I took some bugs and got ready to go.

I took a car, courtesy of Erica teaching me how to hotwire a car during the three months between. I wasn't the best driver but I hopped in and started driving to the entrance. I entered and started acting like an ordinary tourist and wandered around. I eventually ambled to the entrance of their base and walked close to a wall. I had an idea. I chipped off a little stone from the building and put it in a plastic baggie. I would ask Erica to find the original location of the stones. I pulled out my phone and did a quick google search to where the stone for the buildings came from and got an answer. If this stone came from somewhere else this building was completely fake. I noticed the undercover SPYDER agents that Erica pointed out looking at me suspiciously.

I decided to leave then and went to the entrance. I hotwired a car and took it back to base with the bag, hopefully, it would be a lead. I walked over to the hotel and up to our room. I walked in and looked around and found Erica in the listening spot. 

"Hey, Erica can you get this examined? I asked, "This is from their secret hideout building."

She nodded and took the bag and pulled out her phone and sent a quick email. 

"I'll ask him to put this priority because we only have 2 days till their plan goes down," said Erica.

I nodded and thanked her. I went to the balcony to think. We had two days and had nothing on their plan.

This mission was going Great.

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