Chapter 7

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We had a deadline. If we couldn't figure out their plans in two days we failed the mission. Something wasn't adding up though.

I walked over to the bug listening station and scanned the script that Erica wrote. There were only four terms that caught my interest.

Missiles, Murray, two days from now, and the "launch site."

It was clear they were using missiles, but where would they launch them to? Where was their launchpad? The Murray part was clear, they didn't want Murray leaking anything. Their plan was two days from now. I didn't have enough info to make a plan.

Wait, Murray didn't know anything about the plan, so why would they be worried?

Murray was lying.


I found Erica eating a salad by the mini-fridge.

"Erica, I think Murray is hiding something from us," I said confidently.

She frowned "But we gave him truth sedation," said Erica.

"Is it possible to be immune to it?" I asked.

"Maybe," she said walking over to where Cyrus was. They had a quick whisper conversation and the Erica nodded at me.

I walked over to where Murray was and took off his blindfold. I socked him in the nose and pointed my gun at him. 

"What are their plans?" I said growling.

"I don't know," he said. I clicked off the safety.

"I repeat what are their plans?" I said with my finger on the trigger.

"Alright, alright, they are planning to send nuclear missiles to Mexico City, that's all I know!" he said scared. I sedated him again.

Why would they send nukes to Mexico City? Other than to kill civilians. It didn't add up. They wouldn't get anything achieved other than civilian casualties. Their last plan was to dissolve the US government and a lot of the CIA. This would only kill civilians and possibly the Mexican government. It didn't add up.

I plopped onto the couch frustrated. We had two days and if we couldn't stop them by then civilians would die. I flipped on the news channel and read the subtitles. It was about some climate accord that would happen in Mexico City.

Wait, MEXICO CITY. I figured out their plan. They were planning to nuke the leaders of the countries that were there. I did a quick google search. It turns out that the American, British, French, and many more countries presidents/ prime ministers would be there.

It just happens at that moment SPYDER attacked.

I looked up from the coach and started shooting. I was able to take out 6 of them and I noticed everyone was fighting. I reloaded my sedative darts and opened fire on the agents. I took out my silenced M9 and started shooting. I took out 4 more of them and then saw Erica flop to the floor with three darts on her back. I felt a dart in my neck and then blacked out.

I woke up in a cell with everyone else.
I patted my utility belt but if was empty once again. I noticed only Erica, Cyrus, Catherine and Mom were awake. Zoe and Mike were still unconscious. Erica smirked at me.

"Took you long enough," she said.

She patted a area or concrete next to her and I scooted to the area.

"How do we escape?" I hissed

Erica pulled out a gun out of nowhere.

"That's only one gun versus all of SPYDER's guards" I hissed

Erica pulled out two more out of nowhere. Catherine pulled 2 out of nowhere.

"Where do you guys get these guns from?" I hissed confused.

"Family secret," said Catherine then she smirked and added, "You'll know it when you are in the family."

I turned red and tried to cover my face. Mom and Catherine high fived and smirked. Erica was also red.

"MOM, I WILL KILL YOU AFTER WE ESCAPE," whisper-shouted Erica.

I decided to leave the conversation and check on Mike and Zoe.

But then I got sedated, AGAIN.

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