Chapter 2~The project 🦋

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The rest of class was pretty fun cuz I got to talk to Vallyk and get to know him. He's actually really nice and funny. But I can't like him because every time I've loved someone I always end up getting hurt. I'm deep in thought when I hear the teacher start talking

T: ok guys 5 mins until class ends. Just wanted to tell you we have a project due next Friday and your partner is whoever sits next to you.

Me and Vallyk look at each other and smile

T: since you guys did good today I'll let you leave early, bye everyone see you Monday!

I get my stuff say bye to Vallyk and walk to my next class

                                             . . .
                                     *lunch time*
I'm putting my stuff in my locker before lunch when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Vallyk

B: oh hey

V: hey the principal said that your my guide or sum. Apparently your supposed to show me where everything is.

B: oh ok I'll walk you to lunch

I walk him to the lunch room and find where Leah and and Ashley are sitting

B: hey guys this is Vallyk

V: hi, he says while waving

I feel eyes on me and look over to see Leah smirking at me. I kick her in the shins signaling her to stop

L: Ow!

V: what?

L: oh nothing

???: hey Vallyk you the new kid right?

V: um yea

A: what do you want Derek 🙄

D: I just think it'd be better for Vallyk to sit with boys and not girls

B: what's the difference you and ya boys sus asl anyways

He looks at me angry and I smile. Idk why but it brings me joy to see him angry, let's just say me and Derek don't really get along.

D: So Vallyk, what's it gonna be?

Vallyk looks at me guilty

B: it's fine you can go sit wit them

He nods and follows Derek to a table where the rest of the dumb jocks are sitting.

L+A: sooo 😏

B: so what

A: you and Vallyk duh

B: there's nothing going on between us

L: you words not ours

B: ...

A: is there something going on between you two?...

B: no! Damn y'all r buggin

L: chill we're just playing 😂

. . .
*end of the day*
I'm packing up at my locker when I see Vallyk walking up to me. Idk why but I feel butterflies in my stomach when he smiles at me

V: hey i just wanted to get your number


V: for the project

B: oh right! Here

We exchange phone numbers

???: why don't you just drive her to your house right now so you can work on it. I know she has nothing planned

I turn around and see Leah. Im gonna fucking kill her!

V: you ok with that Bella?

B: u-uh sure ig

I shoot a death stare at Leah as I walk towards the exit of school with Vallyk. She just smiles and waves.
A few minutes later we get into Vallyk's car and he starts the car.

V: do you wanna listen to music

B: sure how bout(song of your choice)

Vallyk passes me the aux and I put some songs on. The car ride was pretty silent except for a few words between us.

. . .
From what felt like abt 15 minutes later we pull up to a house and the car comes to a halt.

V: we're here.


We get out the car and get in the house through his garage his house is really nice.

V: hey mamá estoy en casa (hey mom I'm home)

I see a woman who I think is his mom walk up to us

V: Esta es Bella tenemos un proyecto juntos

She waves at me and smiles and so I wave back

V: you ready

B: oh yea

He leads me to a room and tells me to make myself comfortable so I sit on the edge of his bed. He tries to take his sweatshirt off but his shirt lifts up with it and reveals his toned abs. I feel my face get hot so I look away.
He eventually sits on the bed and we get started

V: why don't we take notes first

B: ok

V:*pretend he says sum*

Vallyk's POV
When Bella looks down to write the notes I can't help but stare. Gosh she's so beautiful.

Bella's POV
I feel eyes on my when I'm writing the notes so I look up and see Vallyk staring at me and quickly look away. I look back down to hide my blushing.

. . .
B: it's getting late I should probably get back home

V: need a ride?

B: no it's fine Leahs not far away she can pick me up. Thanks though

We walk downstairs and he offers to walk me outside so I say yes

B: well bye, I say and give him a hug out of habit

V: bye

. . .
As soon as I get home I get changed, brush my teeth, and hop into my bed. I don't really know what to think about what happened with Vallyk today. Did he just happen to be staring at me and it was a coincidence or... whatever let me think about that another day. I fall asleep still thinking about Vallyk

A/n: I don't rlly like this chapter but I just wanted to update. Anyways comment what you think abt this chapter.I have some pretty plans for this story so stay tuned ❤️

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