Chapter 13~ The Dance 🦋

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After the movie ends Vallyk pulls away to look me in the eyes

V: so prom is coming up... I was wondering if you want to go with me

B: ofc yea!

V: also will be my girlfriend...

*they was already a thing but never officially called eachother bf and gf

This words fill me with sm joy

B: yea

We kiss then just talk abt stuff for a lil bit

                                        . . .
The dance is in a 2 weeks so you already know we got to start getting ready. I call Leah and Ashley


A: heyy

B: hey you guys going to prom?

L+A: duhh

B: Well i was wondering if you guys wanted to go dress shopping with me

L: ofc

A couple hours later when need up at a tailor shop at the mall to get some dresses fitted for prom, when we get done we go to the food court to eat

L: we boutta look so good  at the dancee

B+A: ikr

B: so who you guys going with, I'm going with Vallyk I say this with a huge smile

L: Oooo Ik y'all were a thing and I'm going with Kobe


B: what about you Ashley

A: I'm going with Kevin..(Bella's ex)

B: oh um

A: are you ok with it

B: yea

Ofc I wasn't, I felt rlly uncomfortable so I decide to get out of there

B: Im gonna go

A: Bella

B: n-no it's fine I just remembered I have something to do bye guys

                                        . . .
                  *skip to the day of the dance*

The dance is in a couple hours so I should probably get in the shower. Before I get in I hear a knock at the door so I go downstairs to answer

B: Marina!

M: heyy

We hug

B: What are you doing here!?!

M: I wasn't gonna miss my little sisters prom! I've already missed enough things in  your life

I take a shower then she helps me with my makeup and my dress. Then the time comes, there's a second knock at my door and it's Vallyk. He looks so handsome with that tux on

V: wow you look amazing

B: you too

He gives me that flower thing (lol idk the name but iykyk)

V: shall we go

B: yes we shall

We get to his house and drive to the school. When we get there Vallyk opens the door for me and helps me out. We walk to the gym(where the dance is) and there's a bunch of people already dancing

We see Vallyk's friends and he goes up to them and dapped them. They talk for a little bit, Vallyk sees im left out so he says goodbye them and comes up to me

V: want anything to drink?

B: yea I'll have some water pls

He comes back with the drinks and we dance. A slow song comes on and me and Vallyk just stare at eachother shyly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and he puts his hands on my waist. We kiss then soon after the song ends. The dance ends and one of the kids at our school is having an after party so we decide to go. First we go home and change then we head to the party. We walk in theres loud music and ppl doing a bunch of drinking games
A little bit into the party I realize I have to use the bathroom.

B: hey i have to use the bathroom brb

While I'm using the bathroom someone bangs on the door

B: Im in here!!

They keep banging on the door so I finish up quick to and open to the door to see who it is... it's Derek
He pushes me back and locks the door

B: Derek wtf-

He slams me Into the wall and pins me down and starts to kiss down my neck, I can smell the alcohol on him he's drunk

B: Derek get off your drunk

I try to push him off but he pins me down harder
He smirks at me then tries to take of my shirt so I panic. I kick him in the 🥜 and run out the bathroom. He grabs me by the wrist

B: Derek let go

V: yoo wtf

Vallyk pushes him off me and starts to punch him repeatedly so hard that his face starts to bleed

B: ok Vallyk enough

I pull him off but he's rlly angry, he's breathing heavily and his fists are balled up. I slip my hand in his to calm him down

B: hey look at me I'm ok, let's just go

He calms down and we leave the party. We decide to drive our spot  (the hill the stars) it both calms us down. We cuddle and watch the starts a bit then go out seperate ways and head home. When I get into the house Marina's watching tv. I say goodnight and collapse into my bed and fall asleep

What a night...

A/n: I think ima be ending this story soon. If I made another one what would y'all want it to be abt. Comment any requests if you have one. Ok bye love y'all ❤️

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