Chapter 8~ The date 🦋

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^pretend today's Saturday so she doesn't have an alarm set and just wakes up whenever

I wake up this morning, take a shower then put on some sweats. I haven't heard from Vallyk for a bit and he missed school so I decide to call him

*The call*

V: hey

B: hey where have you been I haven't heard from you what's up

V: nothing just some family stuff

L: like what

V: just some family stuff...

He's obviously tryna dodge the question so I decide to leave him alone (for now)

B: ok..

V: wanna hangout later or sum

B: what like a date ??

V: do you want it to be a date 😏

B: shutup 😂

V: when do you wanna meet up?

B: how about 5 ?

V: ok sounds good. I gtg bye love ya

That shit gave me butterfliessss

B: ok bye love you too, I smiled so hard saying that

*end of the call*

I take a nap cuz I'm a lazy bum lmfao. When I wake up I get ready for my date with Vallyk !! I take a shower, do my skincare, hair, and a little bit of makeup. Then I text Vallyk

Hey Vallyk I'm ready are you?

Yea I'm ready, you need a ride?

I don't have a car so yea 😭

Ok I'm coming lmfao

I go downstairs and go on my phone then look around my house. The house feels more empty than usual. I mean my dad was rarely ever home but that fact that I know he's never coming back just-
I zone out and then is brought back to my senses when I hear a honk outside. I run outside and my heart skips a beat when I see Vallyk.

B: heyy

V: hey you look rlly nice

We hug and he opens the door for me, damn he's a gentleman 🥰

B: so what we doin

V: I was thinking maybe we could do a late nighttime drive maybe and get food

B: sounds good

I see that he turns onto a road that leads to the outskirts of the town

B: where are you going?

V: it's a surprise, he says with a mischievous smile

My feelings said 📈📈📈📈

B: ok.., i say smiling

We drive for a little bit and we eventually stop in what looks like the middle of nowhere when he tells me to close my eyes

B: why??

V: just do it

I give in and close me eyes it's quiet for a little bit then I hear my door open and Vallyk helps me out of the car. He puts his hands on my waist to make sure I don't fall making my heart rate quicken. The ground start to elevate so it must be a hill. We keep going for a little bit and my legs feel tired asl when we finally stop.

Vallyk takes his hands off to a relief a beautiful night sky with the most stars I've ever seen in my life

B: woww

V: ikr, I come out here sometimes just to clear my mind or just when I feel like being alone. I've never shown anyone else this

B: ooo I must be special

We both laugh

We sit down my a tree on the tip top of the hill and just talk abt stuff. The conversation gets pretty deep and I feel guilty for not telling him...

B: Hey Vallyk...

V: yea

B: when you came over the other day I-
I can't speak due to a feeling in my throat(you know that feeling in your throat when your trying to hold back a cry?? Idk the name but yea)

V: what is it Bella

B: I was in a really bad place and I was planning on taking my life

Vallyk just stares at me and I see tears form in his eyes

B: you know what just forget it-

Vallyk pulls me into a long hug

V: Bella you should've told me

B: I know I just was rlly going through things

V: promise me even when things get hard you'll never do that again bc I can't imagine my life without without you in it

B: I promise

We talk a little bit more. Then we go quiet but it's a comfortable quiet. Then we just turn and look at each other for a few seconds secretly admiring each other. Surprisingly Vallyk leans in and pecks my lips and pulls back then we kiss again which lasts a couple seconds

We just smile at each other, cuddle, and just look up at the stars

Maybe this is meant to be...

A/n: The date has a second part for 2 reasons 1: I'm too tired cuz I'm writing this at 3 am 2: also if I wrote all of it in one part the chapter would be long asl. Anyways bye I'm tired lol ❤️

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