Chapter 12~ The new beginning 🦋

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"I think your my sister" These words echo in my head leaving me speechless and frozen on the door step

???: Are you ok-

I shut the door in her face. Idk why but I run up to my room and block out everything by putting a pillow over my head

                                      . . .
My eyes open and it's light out, ig I fell asleep. I remember the girl at my doorstep not knowing if that was a dream or not

I check my phone and I have a bunch of missed calls from an unknown caller, I decide to call back

???: hello... Bella?

I recognize that voice... it's the girl from my doorstep

B: yea...

???: we need to talk I think I'm-

B: i know... where do you want to meet up

???: At the grill( the restaurant where Bella and Vallyk met up with the guys) you know where that is?

B: yea I'll see you there

The call ends I get ready to meet with- actually she never told me her name. Oh well I'll find out soon
                                        . . .
I get to the grill and see the girl, I sit across from her in one of the booths

???: Hey

B: hey...

???: my names Marina btw

B: cool

We shake hands

B: soo you think you might be my sister? I can't believe I'm saying these words

M:  umm I was adopted.. I didn't find out til recently, and when I tried to find my real parents I found out they were both dead. So I started looking for any siblings and it traced me back to you...

B: how do you know for sure ?

M: I don't.. but I have a feeling

B: you know what I feel it too

M: just to make sure, I have some DNA tests, results should come in a week

B: ok..

We go somewhere private and take the tests, even though it's not confirmed I can't believe I have a sister !!

                                      . . .
A week later we get the results and it's confirmed:
We're sisters !!! We both hug and jump up and down(we've gotten close the past week)



For some reason instead of thinking of the good news we just got, I think of Vallyk I can't get him out of my mind

                            Marina's POV
Me and Bella get the test results back and we're sisters!!! We jump and and hug, but shortly after Bella's smile fades and she spaces out

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