Chapter 3~ The Party 🦋

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I wake up to Ashley and Leah shaking tf out me

B: wtf how did y'all get in my house

A: the garage duh anyways..

B: what

L: Derek's throwing a party today and-

B: nope not going, I pull my sheets back over my head

A: cmon it'll be fun, she says pulling the sheets off me

B: for one I don't like parties and two I don't like Derek, and last time I checked you guys don't either so why do you want to go

A: it's a party it doesn't matter who's throwing it cmon we haven't hung out like this in a while

L: pls for us 🥺

B: ugh fine 🙄

L+A: yay!!

B: leave my house before I change my mind

Leah and Ashley leave to get ready for the party as I lay in bed contemplating wether I should go or not

You know what they're right we haven't had fun like this in a minute. Let me stope being a pussy and just go. I get up and do my morning routine. Shower, brush teeth, skincare, hair. I just change into shorts and a hoodie cuz I still have a while til the party

. . .
The party starts in like two hours so time to get ready. I take another shower cuz I was just collecting dust in my bed all day lmfao. I freshen up my hair and put some makeup on(too lazy to put in a pic so just pretend she wearing a red dress or sum)

I text Leah and Ashely to pick me up and they get to my house a couple minutes later.

L: you ready!!

B: no not really

We get to the party and it's kinda fun at first, but then I start to realize that everyone is staring at me and laughing

B: is it just me or is everyone staring at me

L: no.. um I'm gonna go get us some drinks

A: me too brb Bella

I see a random girl looking at me and laughing. I don't play around so I confront her (random girl=rg)

B: is there a problem

Rg: nope she says looking at her friends and laughing

B: what's so fucking funny!

Rg: Check insta

I open up my phone confused. I go to Instagram and my heart sinks. So basically my school has this dumb account where we bash or expose kids from our school and I find a pic of me crying over my ex from a couple months ago. Its embarrassing cuz my makeup's running down my face and it Ik it sounds like I'm overreacting but that was a really bad time for me

L: hey Bella... you good

B: are you fucking serious

L: what

I show her the picture

L: I can explain-

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