Chapter 9~ The date(2)🦋

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The beauty of the night sky was so breath taking we lost track of time. Vallyk checks his phone

V: oh sh* t

B: what

V: i was supposed to meet up with some people to get some food and I'm late we gtg

I could never pass up food so

B: ok who is it

V: ...

B: who is it ??

V: well it's Derek and the guys

B: ugh rlly

V: cmon they're actually cool when you get to know them

B: ok fine only for you

V: aww thanks

Vallyk pokes my cheek and I blush a little. We hurry and run back down to the car then drive to a really popular restaurant that basically all the people at our school go to meet up at

Me and Vallyk were laughing and talking the whole way there but my smile fades when we walk in and me and Derek make eye contact

D: yo what is she doing here

B: good to see you too Derek but if it makes you feel better I don't wanna be here with you either I say with a fake smile

V: ok can you guys pls just try to get along

Me and Derek just look at eachother rolls our eyes

B+D: fine

We all sit down at one of the booths and order our food, Mike joins us a little bit later

M: hey guys... oh hey Bella

B: hey

M: so you guys a thing now

Me and Vallyk look at eachother and blush

V: shutup bro

I actually had a lot of fun with them, Mike was cool but Derek was quiet most of the time

V: alr guys it's getting late we should go

We all say are goodbyes and leave the restaurant
When we arrive to my house Vallyk gets out with me

B: what are you doing?

V: Im coming with you

B: why don't you have to go home

V: my parents are out of town and I wanna make it up to you for going to dinner with me

B: I mean I did have a good time

V: do you want me to come or not

B: yea I laugh

We lay onto my bed, watch a movie, and cuddle then fall asleep

. . .
When I wake up Vallyk is still sleeping. He looks so cute when he sleeps I can't help but stare. He wakes and smiles at me.

V: good morning

B: Mornimg

Vallyk gets out of bed and walks toward the door

B: where are you going

V: Im going to make breakfast

B: you know how to cook?

V: there's a lot you don't know about me he smiles mischievously and we both laugh

                                      . . .
I walk downstairs and it smells really good

B: mmm that smells good

V: it's my hidden talent

The site of Vallyk IN MY KITCHEN making us breakfast makes me smile

V: what

B: nothing

Vallyk finishes cooking and we eat. Then I go upstairs to get ready for the day and get changed into some casual clothes. I walk downstairs and jump on Vallyk who's laying and on the couch and we both laugh

V: hey Mike wants us to come over to his house

B: fine only bc Mike's ok to hangout with

V: just letting you know that Derek will be there too

B: ughh I just won't talk to him I guess

V: tyyy

We go to Mikes house and greet eachother. The boys wanna hoop ofc so I just watch. I have to use the bathroom so I go back inside Mikes house to find the bathroom. When I get out to the bathroom I run into someone's chest

B: whoa Derek watch where your going

D: hey I need to tell you something

B:ok what is it

D: we've been fighting long enough and I'm sorry for how I treated you back in Middle school

B: nah it's fine I don't hold grudges

D: we cool ?

B: we're cool

I smile at him then HE KISSES ME

A/n: Ooo chile sum sh*t abt to happen 👀 anyways this chapter kinda sucks cuz I rushed it. Idk why I decide to write at 2 am but yea hope y'all like this chapter and I have some rlly cool plans for this story!! Ok bye I'm tired ❤️

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