Chapter 5~ The last goodbye 🦋(1)

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My school alarm goes off at 7:30, I definitely don't feel like going to school but my that's what my mom would want so I gather enough strength to get up and get ready for school.

Once I'm ready I go downstairs eat breakfast then walk to school( it's 15 mins walk) Once I get to school everyone's staring at me ofc 🙄 As I'm walking to first period I see Leah and Ashley walking  my direction so I quickly hide in the janitors closet.

A few minutes later I open the door to make sure they're gone and walk to class. When I walk into the classroom I see that Vallyk isn't here today which is a relief.

Like half an hour into class the announcements come on and the principal wants me to go to her office. Confused, I get up and walk to the office. I go into the office and see a bunch of teachers giving me a sad look.  (P= principal)

P: Hey Bella

B: hi.. what did you want me to come down for

P: Bella unfortunately...

B: Unfortunately what

P: your dad was found last night, it looks like he messed with the wrong crowd

B: Wym..

P: he was shot

These words shatter the last of hope or happiness that I have left.

P: Im so sorry for your lo-

I cut her off by getting up and walking out of the office. I hear her scream my name but I ignore her and walk out the school. I start to run and don't stop until I get home.

I shut my front door and lean on the door with my back against it. I collapse onto the ground and cry the hardest I've ever cried before. The tears weren't just for my dad, they were for mom, my friends, Vallyk, all the pain I've kept buried  is rushing out making the hole in my heart deeper. I stay there
laying on the ground for how long before I get up and go to my bed tired but I can't sleep. I just stare at the ceiling waiting for sleep when it hits me~ I'm really alone. I dont have any friends or family like what am I doing this for, what is the point of living if everyone I end up loving leaves in the end.

And that's when I decided....

TBC 😝😝

A/n: I'm actually pretty satisfied with this chapter, that's a first lol. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter make sure to comment ideas if you have any. Until next time ❤️❤️
Ps btw the chapter is short bc there is two parts~ second part will be posted on Friday

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