🦋Chapter 10 🦋

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B: Yo wtf Derek!!

I push him out the way before he tries to say anything and walk back outside to the rest of the gang

V: hey your back

B: yep

The boys finish playing basketball and we all go our seperate ways

V: hey i gtg home my mom needs me

B: aww okay when is the next time I'll be seeing you
I smile

V: you'll see me when you see me

B: oh aight

We say our goodbyes then I walk inside

                                         . . .
It feels really weird to be in the house alone so I decide to call Vallyk to get my mind off it

He doesn't answer But I receive a text from him

Hey I can't rn and I don't think Ima be at school

Ok is everything alright
Yea I'm fine I gtg

I wonder why he's always missing school so much. I don't want to bother him so I decide to call Leah

She picks up

L: heyyy girl

B: hey how you doin

L: I'm good

Ashley comes into the camera

B: oh Ashley's there

L: uhh yea we were gonna invite you but-

B: nah it's good I was with Vallyk anyway

L: oh so y'all a thing now

B: i mean I hope

The rest of the call was kinda awkward but it was nice to talk to them. Even tho we cool again I feel kinda distant with them oh well I'm tired lemme gts

*Skip to a couple weeks later at lunch your sitting with Vallyk and his friends*

We're all talking and having fun when I feel someone's hand on my thigh and it's not who's I think it is. I look up and see Derek looking at me biting his lip

B: Ill brb I gotta go to the bathroom

I look at Derek signaling him to come. A couple minutes later Derek joins me outside the lunch room

B: idk what you think this is but you need to stop

D: cmon you know you like it

B: No Derek i have a boyfriend!

D: oh that's what you guys are?? Then what was that kiss

B: Wha-

???: you kissed him?

I turn and see Vallyk he storms off before I can say anything

B: you did that on purpose! I say pushing Derek

I run after Vallyk to explain

B: Vallyk it's not what it looks like

V: No you know what you don't have to explain anything f*ck you and f*ck Derek you can have eachother

He walks away before I can explain. I watch him walk away not realizing tears are spewing down my face

A/n: Ik this Chapter kinda sucks but I rlly wanted to update. I'll try to make the next few chapters longer. What do you think is going on with Vallyk at home? And why he's missing school sm?
Ps I might start asking y'all questions on what you think will happen in the a/n from now on. Do y'all think that's a good idea?

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