Chapter 17~ The last day 🦋

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*last day of school*

This year was crazy in both good and bad ways. I feel like senior year just started to but it's already over.

I get up and get ready for my last day of school. I go downstairs and wait for Vallyk to pick me up. A few minutes later I hear a honk outside. I walk outside and get into Vallyk's car, he pecks my lips.

V: Ready for the last day of school?

B: nope. I'm gonna miss you

V: don't say that, we'll make it work

(Vallyk is moving for school by the way)

I shrug and the rest of the car ride is mostly silent except for a few words between us and the soft sound of radio music.

When we arrive to school I go to my locker then Vallyk and I walk to class cuz we have first period together. And it hits me.. if it weren't for this class or that project me and Vallyk never would have been a thing.

After class me and Vallyk go out seperate ways since we don't have any other classes together. I walk into second period and see Leah and Ashley. I decide to walk up to them

B: hey guys

L: hey

A: hi

B: i know we haven't been seeing eachother much since the party, and me dating Vallyk. And I just wanted to say I really miss you guys, I was hoping we could do something special since it's the last day of highschool and we probably won't ever see eachother again after graduation My eyes start to tear up

Leah and Ashley both pull me into a hug

L: we miss you too

A: and yes ofc we have to do something special before graduation

B: why don't we just ditch since it's the last day anyways

We decide to leave school and go on a shopping spree and get some food. It was the most fun I've had with them in a while. I get home text Vallyk, then go to sleep

*skip to graduation*

I wake up to Leah shaking me. It's been a while since she just came into my house, feels like old times.

B: what

L: Are you serious cmon it's graduation

B: oh shit!

Leah helps me get dressed up and gives me a ride to the ceremony, I'm really gonna miss her. We get to the ceremony and they call everyone's name then they call mine. As I walk up to the stage my heart rate quickens, then I grab my diploma and shake the teachers hand. When the ceremony is over I find Leah and Ashley and we all group hug

B: i can't believe that was real

L+A: me either!

They both look behind me the back up smiling. I look behind me and Vallyk. I hug him tightly

B: Im gonna miss you

V: imma miss you too

We stay in the hug for a little bit longer and then Ashley, Leah, and Vallyk all drive away, leaving me staring at the school.

I guess it's time for me to move on to the next chapter of my life...

A/n: last authors note for this story🥺😭 hope y'all liked this chapter, maybe vote ;) But yea go read my new story I just published. Bye y'all ❤️

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