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Chapter 1: Partners

It was raining. Hard. Y/N tugged her coat tighter around herself, hoping to warm up. She glanced at her watch and saw it was almost midnight. She signed, and ran her hand through her (H/L) hair.
"It's with Me."
She lifted her head and saw her partner, Hank Anderson, walking up to her, and someone she's never seen.
Upon closer observation, she notice it wasn't a person, but an android.
"RK800?" She whispered to herself.
They both walked up to her. "What part of stay in the car didn't you understand?" Hank said, turning to Y/N.
"Your orders contradicted my instructions lieutenant." The Android said.
"Nice of you to show up." Y/N said, smirking at her partners.
"Yeah, Yeah." Hank said, dismissing her comment, and waking inside.
"My name is Connor. The Android sent by cyber life." Y/N jumped a little, as the Android spoke to her. As she turned, she couldn't help but freeze. For once, she was speechless. Up close, the android was much more better looking. She stared at him for a second, before she could muster up a sentence.

"H-Hi, I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N." She said, still looking at him.

Connor nodded," Yes, I've been ordered to work with you and Lieutenant Anderson." Y/N chuckled, and looked at Hank," I bet Hank was happy about that." She said.

"No, in fact quite the opposite." Connor said. "That's not what-Never mind." Y/N forced a smile, then headed towards the house.

"The victims name was Carlos Ortiz," The 'SOCO' continued now that Y/N had joined Hank next to the body. Y/N scrunched up her face at the smell. "He has a record for theft and aggravated assault. According to the neighbors he was a kind of a loner. Stayed in most of the time and they hardly ever saw him." Hank sighed and looked at the body. It was clear the body had been there for a long time.

"With the state he's in. Wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night." Hank said.

"Does that mean I can go home?" Y/N said, holding back a yawn, as she continued to look around.

"There is a kitchen knife over there. Probably the murder weapon." Y/N bent down by the body, and examined the wound. "That's probably it, based on the wound size." As she got up, she noticed Connor walk up to the knife. He placed his fingers in the blood, then placed his bloodstained fingers against his tongue.

"Oh my lord." Y/N said in horror, as Hank yelled, "Ah Jesus! What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm analyzing the blood." Connor replied." I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry, I should have warned you."

"Well actually that's pretty cool, carry on." Y/N said, chuckling as Hank gave her a weird look.

"Ok...Just don't put.. don't put anymore evidence in your mouth, got it?" Hank gestured to the crime scene.

Connor mimicked the hand gesture," Got it."

"Y/N, keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't taste test any other evidence." Hank said, making Y/N chuckle again.

Connor looked at Y/N and began analyzing her face.

Y/N, L/N. Age 34. Born B/D B/Y. Joined academy at age 22 with a Criminal Justice Degree. Currently partners with Lieutenant Hank Anderson at the City of Detroit police station.

Connor stopped looking at Y/N and began walking away from her.

"Hey Connor!" She walked up to him. "So are you like, a new type of android? I mean I've never seen one like you before." She said, examining his face.

"I'm an advance prototype. I specialize in deviants, which is why I've been assigned this case with you and Lieutenant Anderson." Y/N nodded, and continued to stare at the android. "Awesome." She whispered. Connor began to walk away, and, as instructed, Y/N followed him.

Furniture was thrown all over the room. The main fight must have started here.

"Red ice." Hank observed. "Looks like our friend here likes to party."

"I mean it makes sense." Y/N mumbled, talking to herself.

"28 stab wounds." Connor said, making Y/N turn her head to see what he was talking about. Connor was telling Hank about what he thinks is what happened.

"Well, your theory's not totally ridiculous. But it doesn't tell us where it went."

"It was badly damaged by the bat. And lost some Thirium."

"Lost some what?" Hank asked. "Blue blood." Y/N said.

"Correct." Conner said. Y/N smiled at Hank, and Hank rolled his eyes.

"Thirium evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye."

"Oh." Hank said realizing what Connor was going to say next," But I bet you can still see it can't you.


"Awesome. So you can find him?" Y/N asked.

Connor began walking in the direction she guessed was the way the blood led.

Y/N and Hank began following Connor when he grabbed a chair.

"What are you doing with that chair?" Hank asked.

"I'm checking something." Connor replied, walking into the Hallway, chair still in hand. He placed it below the attic and climbed up, then pulled himself up.

"You gonna follow him?" Hank asked Y/N. "Hell no." She replied.

"Its up here!" Connor yelled. Hank and Y/N looked at each other in shock.

"Holy shit. Chris! Ben! Get your asses over here!"
Hope you Enjoyed
Love you all

 Chris! Ben! Get your asses over here!"____________________________________Hope you Enjoyed Love you all

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