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Chapter 15-Cyberlife

Y/N sat at home, her mind filled to the brim with thoughts. She watched the news, but got annoyed with how they were responding, so she turned it off. After lying on her couch for a minute, she turned to her dog. "What do you think I should do, D/N?" She stared at the anime for a minute, before the doorbell rang, grabbing her attention.

"Connor!" She yelled, pulling him into a hug, once she opened the door. "I was worried for a minute, I saw the raid on the news..." She said, letting go of him.

"When did you get your uniform back?" She asked, noticing his attire.

"I've come to collect you and Lieutenant. He's already waiting in the car." Connor said, making Y/N give him a weird look.

"Ok..." She grabbed her jacket, and followed the android out to the car.

Once they arrived at Cyberlife, Y/N couldn't help but admire how pretty it was.

Connor lead them into the tower, and towards the elevator.

"So we're off to talk to the big guys, eh?" Hank asked.

"Not quite." Connor said, "Level Sub 49."

"The basement?" Y/N said in confusion. "What do you need us down there for?"

"You two will be a lot of help." He said, pulling out two guns, and pointing them at the two.

"What the hell are you doing?" Hank asked.

"I'm fulfilling my mission. The old Connor went deviant and Cyberlife sent me to replace him."

"Connor went what?" Y/N said in shock.

"I'm going to need you both to be quiet now." The new Connor nudged the two forward.

"Easy!" Hank shouted. "Fucking piece of shit!"

"Step back Connor!" The new Connor yelled. "And I'll spare them."

"Sorry Connor." Y/N said. "He tricked us."

"Your friends lives are in your hands." The fake yelled. "Now it's time to decide what matters most. Them or the revolution."

"Don't listen to him! Everything this fucker says is a lie!" Hank said.

"It's alright Connor. The lives of these androids out number ours." Y/N said after.

Connor looked at Hank, then to Y/N, then to the new Connor.

"I used to be just like you. I thought nothing mattered except the mission, But then one day I understood." His eyes glanced at Y/N for a moment.

"Very moving Connor." The fake mocked. "But I'm not a deviant. I'm a machine, designed to accomplish tasks and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"If I surrender.." Connor began. "How do I know you won't kill them?"

"I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission. It's up to you whether or not that includes these human."

Connor looked desperately at Hank and Y/N. When the fake saw no movement, he stepped closer to them. "Its time to decide Connor! Its time to decide who you really are! Are you going to save your partners' life? Or are you going to sacrifice them?"

"Alright!" Connor said, stepping away, his hands in the air. The fake pointed his gun at Connor ready to fire, when Hank grabbed his arm, grabbing the gun to stop him from shooting Connor. Y/N kicked the other towards Connor. The fake pushed Hank into Y/N, forcing them both to the ground.

The two shot each other in the shoulders, then ran towards each other. They both dropped the guns as they began to fight.

Y/N quickly grabbed the guns, pointing them both at the Connors'.

"Stop!" She yelled, grabbing both of their attentions.

"Thanks Y/N. I don't know how I'd manage without you." The one on the right said. "Get rid of him. We have no time to lose!"

"It's me, Y/N. I'm the real Connor." The one on the left said.

"One of you is the real Connor. The other is a sack of shit. Question is who."

Y/N looked at them, both have been shot in the same place, and both had the strand of hair that was out of place.

"What are you doing, Y/N?" The one on the right said. "I'm the real Connor." He stepped forward.

"Give me the gun and I'll-"

"Don't move." Hank cut him off.

"Why don't you ask us something?" The left Connor said. "Something only the real Connor would know."

"Where did we first meet?" Hank asked.

"Jimmy's bar! I checked four other bars before I found you." The one on the right said. "We then met Y/N at the crime scene."

The one on the left seemed shocked, and muttered something under his breath.

"What our dogs' name?" Y/N asked.

"Sumo and D/N!" The one on the left yelled.

"I knew that too!" The one on the right yelled.

"My son. What's his name?" Hank asked.

"Cole." The one on the left said. "His name was Cole. And he had just turned 6 at the time of the accident. It wasn't your fault lieutenant. A truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over. Cole needed immediate Surgery, but no Human was available to do it. So an android had to take care of him. Cole didn't make it. That's why you hate androids. You think one of us is responsible for his death."

"Cole died because a human was to high on red ice to operate." Hank corrected.

Y/N looked over at Hank in shocked. She knew about the accident, but he never went into detail about it.

"I knew about your son too! I would have said the exact same thing. Don't listen to him-" Y/N cut him off by shooting him in the head.

"I've learned a lot since I met you Connor." Hank said. "Maybe there is sometime to this. Maybe your alive."

Connor walked up to them, Y/N pulling him into a hug.

"How did you know?" Connor asked, when Y/N released him.

"You answered with empathy." Hank explained. "Emotion. That and the Connor I know looks at Y/N every chance he got. The fake one ignored her."

Y/N let out a fake laugh, trying to hide her blush.

"Now, if I remember there's a war going on." Y/N said. "Do your think, Connor." Connor smiled at her, and took the hand of one of the androids. "Wake up." He said.

The android blinked a few times, before turning to his neighbor and doing the same.

"Go win this thing, Connor." Y/N said, playfully pushing his shoulder. Connor smiled at her, and them left with the new army he's created.

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