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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note!

 I was quite hesitant to publish this, since I don't want my friends reading my terrible writing :') (If you are my friend, please don't read on. I'm doing you a favour, trust me) 

Moving on, I hope y'all enjoy! In case you haven't read the description of this story; this story is heavily inspired by OneArtsyGamer03! Please go check out her stories if you haven't already, - she's a super talented writer!

Happy reading!


A gorgeous purple and blue sky appears, stars scattered all over. The scene looks like it came right out of a painting from a gallery.

On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful...

A giant ship flies through the sky, the exterior looking like gold and bronze.

The great merchant ships with their cargoes of Arcturian solar crystals, felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by...

Another ship comes into view; a flag with a skull embroidered on it sits on top. The golden ship seems oblivious to the presence of the other.


The back of a person can be seen with their arms crossed, as they stand near the front of their ship, watching the golden ship with close eyes.

And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint.

Captain Nathaniel Flint turns around, his 6 eyes burning with a fire-y passion. "Fire!" He cries, signaling the cannons with his arm. The pirate ship launches the cannons, fire shooting out of them one by one. The golden ship is struck numerous times on the side, causing explosions to erupt everywhere. The people aboard the ship gasp as the lights turn off, and a wife hugs her husband tightly, fear lingering in her eyes. The crewmates of both ships fire bullets at each other, wanting nothing more than blood and death.

A boy appears, his eyes shining with excitement and awe. He smiles brightly, a missing tooth on display. He lays in bed on his stomach, swinging his feet back and forth as the story carries on.

Like a Candarian zaftwing overtaking its prey...

The door of the boy's bedroom suddenly opens. "James Pleiades Hawkins!" a woman's voice scolds. The boy closes the book quickly, and places it down as he acts as if he was sleeping the entire time. "I thought you were asleep an hour ago." The boy pouts, moving toward his pillow. "Mom, I was just getting to the best part," he sighs, grabbing the book and clutching it tightly. "Please?" He looks up at his mother with puppy eyes, silently pleading for her to let him continue reading. His mother rolls her eyes, a smile appearing on her face as she throws her hands up in the air. "Oh! Can those eyes get any bigger?" she asks rhetorically. "Scootch over." She moves onto the bed, as the boy shuffles over to make space for the both of them to sit. The boy smiles widely once again, opening up the book.

... Like a Candarian zaftwing overtaking its prey, Flint and his renegades swooped in from nowhere.

The pirate ship's crew latch onto the other ship, allowing the pirates to climb in. A fire roars onboard the other ship, the crewmates fighting and shooting each other carelessly. The scene changes to Captain Nathaniel Flint using his cutlass to cut off the lock of a treasure chest. The chest falls over, gold and jewels pouring out of it like a waterfall. Captain Nathaniel Flint picks up the gold, grinning. He laughs maniacally, pieces of gold falling out of his palms.

And then gathering up their spoils...

The pirate ship sails away, disappearing magically.

... Vanished without a trace.

The boy and his mother glance at each other, and exclaim, "Ooh!" in unison. The boy flips to the next page of the book, getting more and more excited by the second.

Flint's secret trove was never found...

The scene changes to a foggy cave-like area, only to reveal that they are in space.

... but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy...

A planet with two rings around it comes into view.

... stowed with riches beyond imagination, the loot of a thousand worlds...

The boy looks up from the book, and talks along with the narrator.

Treasure Planet.
"Treasure Planet!"

His mother shuts the book. "Okay, blow your nose," she says, taking a cloth from her pocket. She places the cloth against the boy's nose, as he blows into it. She places the cloth back into her pocket, and the boy rubs his nose. She takes the book off of him and places it on his bedside table, as the boy climbs onto the head of his bed, asking, "How do you think Captain Flint did it, Mom?" His mother looks back at where he was last sitting, and becomes startled as she sees that he wasn't there. "How'd he swoop in out of nowhere," the boy asks, jumping from his bed in a Superman pose. His mother holds out her arms to catch him, but fails. The boy lands on the bed on his stomach, then crawls under his blankets, "and vanished without a trace?"

"I have no idea..." she sighs, before grinning and grabbing her beloved son. "Come here, you-" She tickles him, as he laughs and attempts to escape her grasp. "I'm gonna get you-" She blows a raspberry on the boy's stomach, and he squeals and laughs. "Okay, now it's time for this little spacer to go to sleep!" she smiles, booping his nose as she places him in bed and pulls the covers up to his neck.

"You think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?" he asks, his mother rummaging behind his pillows to pull out a toy.

"Sweetheart, I think it's more..." she examines the toy, raising her eyebrows. "... like a legend!" She shrugs, placing the toy on his bedside table.

"I know it's real!" the boy exclaims, furrowing his eyebrows. His mother gently touches his cheek. "You win. It's real," she gives in. She places a small kiss on his forehead. "Nighty-night, Mom," the boy says, closing his eyes and hugging the blankets.

"Nighty-night, sweetheart," his mother stands up and walks toward the door. She places her hand on the handle and looks back at her son. "I love you," she says.

"Love you too," the boy replies, falling asleep as his mother shuts the door softly behind her. Once the door is closed, the boy gets up and grabs the book once again, opening it under the covers.

There are nights when the winds of the Etherium, so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom, made one's spirit soar!

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