Happy Birthday Jim! (Not a Chapter)

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By the title of this chapter, you probably already know what this is about. But, yes, it is Jim's birthday today (23rd of November)! I was seriously so hyped for his birthday that I counted down the days, so I think that gives you a rough idea of how massive my crush on this boy is :') 

Anywho, I was screaming to my friends about his birthday and they were looking at me weirdly like they usually do. Then one of them said, "You do realize that Jim is a fictional character?" and a bit of my soul chipped away. 

But, anyway, hAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM! :D 

I just thought I'd share this with any of y'all that didn't know. Moving on, thank you for reading! I think we have around 20-30 minutes of the movie left, so I may start polls for what x reader I should write next :) I can really only do movies from Disney+, since I don't have any other movie platforms. 

I guess that's it for now! Byeeee!

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