Chapter 12

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note




Turnbuckle holds a gun close to Delbert and Amelia, so if they thought of doing any 'funny business', he'd be able to shoot them within a millisecond. The rest of the crew stand near the front of the boat, Jim and I underneath Silver's arms.

We land on the mossy floor with a grunt, and I watch with awe as the streak of green light was still pointing toward the direction of where the treasure was. Despite being held captive, I was still excited to see the loot of a thousand worlds; if there was any, that is. Delbert and Amelia stay on the ship with Grewnge, a pistol being pointed at them. I walk beside Jim and look around cautiously. I suddenly hear whimpering from Jim's pocket, and we glance down to see Morph peeking out with a worried expression. "It's okay, Morph, it's okay," Jim says softly.

"We'll be alright," I comment. B.E.N walks behind us before tapping Jim on the shoulder. "Jimmy, Y/N, I don't know about you two, but I'm starting to see life pass in front of my eyes!" he cries. "At least, I think it's my life. Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe!" (). Jim looks around, his eyes widening. "B.E.N, shh!" he demands. "This isn't over yet."

I follow Jim toward Silver, and he suddenly stops with a wide, toothy smile. "We're getting close lads," he addresses. He changes his hand gear to a cutlass and points it in the direction of the treasure with a motivating grin. "I smell treasure a-waitin'!" The crew cheers after Silver's small sentence, then he grabs Jim and I's collar, dragging us with him.

Silver slices the strange stems shooting in front of us, a weird, slimy substance oozing out of them. His smirk fades away as soon as he sees that there's nothing ahead of us, except the end of a cliff and a gorgeous view. "So, the loot of a thousand worlds is a view worthy enough to be painted? Nice," I say with a smirk. Of course I knew that that wasn't the treasure, because considering that it's never been found, it had to be hidden in a place that wasn't so obvious. "Where is it?" a voice asks.

"I see nothing!" Onus screeches. "One great, big stinking hunk of nothing!" Jim shuts the map. "What's going on, Jimbo? Y/N?" he asks with a frown.

"I don't know, I can't get it open," Jim says worriedly, struggling to open it back up.

"We should've never followed these kids," Bird Brain Mary snarls, jumping up and kicking us over. For a small, two-legged creature, she sure has a lot of strength to push over some teenagers that are 3 times her height. "I'd suggest you get that gizmo going again, and fast!" Silver threatens. Jim and I notice a small hole a few centimetres away from where we fell, and it has the same pattern as the ones on the map. I nudge Jim, and whisper, "Put the map in."

"Let's rip their gizzards right out, right now!" the crew members shout out. "Throw them off the cliff!" Jim shoves the map into the hole, and I watch with wide eyes as the ground under our feet begins to glow a bright, lime green - the same colour as the light that was showing us directions to the treasure. A small sphere that looks like a map of the universe emerges from the map. Lines shoot out from the cliff on the other side, and they all connect to create a giant, triangular door, or portal. "Oh, have mercy," Silver gasps.

Streaks of purple, blue and pink are scattered around through the portal, and it's certainly a beautiful and serene sight. "The Lagoon Nebula?" Jim wonders aloud.

"But that's halfway across the galaxy," Silver mutters.

"How..." I mumble under my breath, but I don't bother to even answer that question.

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