Chapter 10

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note

This chapter is a little bit shorter than the others, since I wanted to publish today, so I had to cut this one a bit short. I'm trying to get the habit of publishing on the proper days, since I don't want to constantly keep you guys waiting. 

Though, I may change the publishing days to suit me a bit better, since it is kinda hard writing one chapter for a week and then publishing on Sunday, then only having less than a day to write to publish on Tuesday, if you get what I mean. 

I hope y'all understand where I'm coming from, but as always: Enjoy! :) 


Third Person POV

"Pardon the mess, people," B.E.N chuckles. "You'd think in 100 years I would've dusted a little more often, but, you know, when you're batchin' it, you tend to let things go."

Jim and Y/N looks around B.E.N's humble abode, and it wasn't what they'd call 'home sweet home'. The place was covered in what looked like moss, and in one particular corner of the house, there was a lot of rubbish and antiques.

"Aww," B.E.N cooed, "isn't that sweet?"

Y/N looks over at Delbert, to see that he was carrying Amelia in a bridal style.

"I find old-fashioned romance so touching, don't you? How about drinks for the happy couple?" B.E.N chirps, grabbing out a tray filled with strange tools and a bubbling, green drink, before turning to Jim and Y/N. "What about you two? I'm sure that you guys are in a relationship as well!"

Jim rubs his neck, chuckling awkwardly as Y/N chokes on air, her face turning redder than a tomato.

"Oh uh, ooh," Delbert winces. "Uh, no. Thank you, we don't drink, and we're not a couple."

"And uh, Jim and I aren't together..." Y/N addresses.

Jim nods, sighing to himself.

"Look at these markings," Delbert changes the subject as he knows that Jim and Y/N were becoming uncomfortable. "They're identical to the one on the map. I suspect these are hieroglyphic remnants of an ancient culture."

"Possibly," Y/N nods, even though she had no idea what he meant by 'hieroglyphic'.

"Mr. Hawkins, Ms. L/N, stop anyone who tries to approach," Captain Amelia commands, groaning in pain.

"Yes, yes, now listen to me!" Delbert interjects. "Stop giving orders for a few milliseconds and lie still."

"Very forceful, Doctor," Amelia smirks. "Go on, say something else."

Delbert smiles softly, until he's interrupted by B.E.N screaming.

"Hey, look! There's some more of your buddies!" he shouts.

Y/N gasps.

"B.E.N, be quiet!" she whisper-yells.

"Hey, fellas!" B.E.N welcomes loudly. "We're over here, fellas!"

Y/N begins to sweat nervously when she sees that the pirates down below had pointed their pistols in their direction. They start shooting purple rays at B.E.N, causing him to cry out and dodge them quickly. For a robot, he certainly had great reflexes. Jim pulls B.E.N down and ducks below to avoid being shot at. Y/N duck down as well and run toward them, kneeling. Jim and Y/N peek over the opening of the house and return the purple rays, shooting at them.

"Stop wastin' your fire!" Silver demands.

The pirates obey Silver, lowering their pistols and ceasing their fire. Jim grabs some bullets and puts in the gun, looking over the opening of the house as he hears Silver's voice.

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