Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

Jim sits on the roof of the Benbow Inn, tossing pebbles on the roof and watching them roll off and onto the ground. The thunder can still be heard rumbling in the horizon. Jim hears Delbert's voice, and moves closer to the window next to him, peeking in. "I really don't know how you manage it, Sarah. Trying to run a business while raising a felon like- Felon-? Fellow-! Fellow, like Jim," he stutters, correcting himself.

"Managing it? I'm at the end of my rope. It's thanks to Y/N that I still have my sanity," Sarah sighs. "Ever since his father left, well, Jim's just never recovered. And you know how smart he is. He built his first solar surfer when he was 8!" Jim smiles at Sarah's last sentence, but it turns back to a frown as she continues. "And yet, he's failing at school, he is constantly in trouble, and when I talk to him, he's like a stranger to me. I don't know, Delbert. I've tried everything."

"Sarah, Jim just needs time," a voice says. Jim looks closely, to see Y/N wiping some tables. "He'll reach out when he's ready, we all just need to be patient. I just hope that I'll be able to help him do that." Jim smiles softly, admiring Y/N.

You have no idea, Y/N... he thinks.

He sighs, looking away from the window and stares at the remaining pebbles in his hand. "If only I could tell her everything I feel," he mutters under his breath. "Hell, I wouldn't even know where to start."

Suddenly, an ancient-looking ship flies over Jim's head, causing him to jump in surprise. The ship lands on the ground, groaning as sparks and smoke come shooting out of it. He slides down the roof, running toward the ancient ship to see if there was anyone inside. "Hey, Mister? Mister, you're okay in there, right?" he asks, banging on the window of the ship. He jumps back, letting out a gasp as a turtle hand appears on the window. An old turtle-armadillo hybrid alien falls out of the ship, wheezing hysterically. A treasure chest sits beside the turtle-armadillo. He grabs Jim by the collar, croaking, "He's-a-coming! Can you hear him? Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin' like the devil himself!" He coughs, falling back onto the floor.

Jim looks at the turtle-armadillo, believing that he was probably delirious. "Uh, hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?" He asks awkwardly, rubbing his forehead. The turtle-armadillo crawls toward his chest, still wheezing. "He's after me chest," he says, pulling the chest toward him, "that fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats." The turtle-armadillo struggles to place the chest on his shoulders, limping weakly toward Jim. "But they'll have to pry it from old Billy Bones' cold, dead fingers afore I-" He lets out a gasp, grabbing his throat and dropping the chest. He collapses onto the ground, coughing repeatedly.

"Oh my..." worried Jim. He rushes over to Billy's aid. "Uh- C'mon, give me your arm." He gently takes Billy's arm and wraps it around his shoulder, as the turtle-armadillo groans in pain. "That's it." He grabs the chest using his other arm.

"Good lad..." Billy Bones manages to say. Jim carries Billy to the Benbow Inn, muttering under his breath. "Mom and Y/N are gonna love this..."



I lean on the table and stare out the window, watching the raindrops race each other. I smiled in victory as the raindrop I bet on had reached the end first. I flinch in surprise as I see the window change to a sunset at a beach, then to a gorgeous field of flowers. "Thanks for listening, Delbert and Y/N," Sarah sighs. She slumps down on the chair on the right of me. "It helps..." I glance over at Delbert sadly, as he goes up to her and gently pats her back. "It's going to be okay," he reassures her. "You'll see." Sarah looks up at him, smiling softly. She grips onto the necklace around her neck.

"I keep dreaming one day I'll open that door," she opens the necklace, and a hologram of baby Jim crawling on the floor appears, "and there he'll be, just the way he was." The hologram changes to a slightly older Jim, playing with his toys. "A smiling, happy little boy," the hologram changes once again, to Jim when he was older, messing around with an octopus-alien plush, "holding a new pet, and begging me to let him keep it." She chuckles slightly. Delbert opens the door, his eyes widening as he sees Jim soaked in the rain, holding an old turtle-armadillo. I gasp, throwing my hands to my mouth. Sarah gasps, "James Pleiades Hawkins!" I run over to Jim, my face filled with worry.

"Jim?!" I cry.

"Mom, Y/N, he's hurt bad!" he says, struggling to get him inside. The turtle-armadillo falls to the floor softly, wheezing for air. I kneel down beside the old turtle-armadillo, and I notice numerous scars on his body. "Me chest, lad," he croaks, reaching for the chest beside him. I glance down at the chest, and push it toward him, surprised at how light it is. What is in there? I wonder. He gasps for air, reaching toward it. He dials in a code and I watch in amazement. The turtle-armadillo says, "He'll be comin' soon." The chest opens up, and he reaches in. He grabs out an object wrapped in cloth, "Can't let them find this!"

"Who's coming?" Jim questions. The turtle-armadillo grabs both our shirts, pulling us toward him, making me yelp in surprise. He whispers in our ears, "The cyborg!" He gasps for air yet again. "Beware the cyborg!" Jim's eyes widen, and I glance at him, looking frightened. The man begins to lose his breath, wheezing and wheezing. He lets go of our shirts, collapsing onto the floor. Sarah covers her mouth. "Oh..." I squeeze Jim's hand, scared. He looks at me, smiling sadly. Jim and I look up as a beam of light shines through the windows on the roof. I hear men outside, as Jim slowly flicks the window switch to reveal a group of pirates walking toward the door. Jim's eyes widen, and he grabs my hand. "Quick, we gotta go!" he exclaims, running up the stairs. I notice that Delbert doesn't react, and just stands where he is. "Delbert!" I cry, watching as a ray of purple bashes through the door, Delbert dodging it only barely.

"I believe I'm with Jim on this one!" Delbert screams, bolting up the stairs frantically. More rays are shot through the doors and windows, and I panic as I hear the sound of a fire roaring. The pirates knock down the door, and I look back at them, fear in my eyes. I feel frozen to the spot. Jim looks back at me, cupping my face gently. "Y/N, we have to go!" he yells. "You're alright, trust me."

I wipe my eyes, nodding. He grabs my hand again, and yanks me away as we continue to run. Delbert pushes open a window, screaming, "Delilah! Hallelujah!" A slug-emu hybrid jumps up and down happily, a carriage connected to it. "Stay! Don't move!" Delbert demands. Jim and I look back as we see the silhouettes of pirates running up the stairs. "Don't worry, Sarah, I'm an expert in the laws of physical science. On the count of three... one..."

Delbert is interrupted as he gets shoved by Jim. "Three!" Jim shouts, still holding my hand as we jump down. He hugs me closely as we land in the carriage, protecting my head. "Go, Delilah, go!" Delbert screams. I close my eyes tightly as we drive away, the sound of pirates screaming and shouting lingering in my ears. I feel a soft kiss on my head, and I blush profusely as I look up at Jim. I notice Sarah looking back at the Benbow Inn, her face horrorstuck. She sighs sadly, placing her hand on her forehead in shock, slumping over. Jim looks down at me, smiling slightly, his face pink. "Uh, what's in the package?" I ask, nodding my head toward the sphere-like object that Jim was holding. He removes the cloth that surrounded the object, revealing a golden spherical object that had strange patterns carved in it. Jim examines the sphere with awe, wondering what it is. I stare at it, my eyes wide. I sigh, leaning my head against Jim's chest. Jim continues to hold me close to him, and I can feel his heart beating faster than usual. He must be shaken after what happened, I conclude in my mind. 

Soon, I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep... 

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