Chapter 3

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The fire crackles quietly in Delbert's mansion, as I huddle close to it, feeling the heat against my body.

"I just spoke with the constabulary. Those blaggard pirates have fled without a trace," Delbert sneers.

Jim wraps a blanket around Sarah, a sullen look on his face. He walks over to me with another blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders. I hold the blanket tightly, closing my eyes. I had gotten a good sleep on the carriage, but I was still shaken by what had happened back at the Inn .

"I'm afraid the old Benbow Inn has burned to the ground," Delbert sighs sadly, kneeling beside Sarah's chair.

Sarah hugs the blanket closer to her, her face sullen. Jim opens his mouth to speak, but closes it. Delbert clears his throat to speak, while Jim walks away.

"Well, certainly a lot of trouble over that odd little sphere." Jim grabs the golden sphere, leaning against a bookshelf and examining it. "Those markings baffle me!" Delbert continues. "Unlike anything I've ever encountered. Even with my vast experience," Jim plays around with the sphere, gasping when the circles on the sphere are pushed down. I tilt my head, getting up and walking over to Jim. "-and superior intellect, it would take me years to unlock it's..." Jim continues to fiddle with the sphere, twisting the top, and bottom of the sphere around, when suddenly a streak of clover-green gets released from it, flying around the mansion.

"Hey-!" Delbert cries. I look around the room in awe, as a blue dome surrounds us. "Why, it's a map!" Delbert says.

I glance at every detail on the map, planets and stars scattered everywhere.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Delbert repeats, taking off his glasses. "This is us, the planet Montressor."

He touches the planet, and gasps loudly when the map begins to move. I slowly kneel to the floor, becoming dizzy as it seems that the room is moving. Jim places his hand on my shoulder softly, keeping me steady.

"That's the Magellanic Cloud!" Delbert says, pointing somewhere on the map. "Whoo! The Coral Galaxy!"

"That's the Cygnus Cross!" I exclaim, getting up once the map wasn't moving as fast.

"And that's the Kerian Abyss!" Delbert adds. "Wait, what's this? What's this? Why, it... it's..."

"Treasure Planet!" Jim and I say in unison, a smile appearing on his face. I place a hand on his shoulder, smiling with him.

He places his hand on mine, still glancing at a large planet with two rings around it that seem to be making a 'X', possibly meaning 'X marks the spot'.

"No!" Delbert says with disbelief.

"That's Treasure Planet!" Jim nods, smiling wider.

"Flint's Trove?" Delbert asks. "The loot of a thousand worlds?! You know what this means?"

"It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away," Jim says.

"Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place atop the pantheon of explorers! He'd be able to experience-!" Delbert's speech is interrupted as Jim shuts the map, making the blue dome and planets disappear. "Whoo! What just happened?"

"Mom, this is it! This is the answer to all our problems!" Jim says.

"Jim, there is absolutely no way-" Sarah begins to say, before being cut off.

"Don't you remember? All those stories?"

"That's all they were. Stories!"

"With that treasure, we could rebuild the Benbow a hundred times over!"

"What Jim said, Sarah. This is a perfect opportunity to get the Inn back!" I interject, siding with Jim.

"Well this is... it's just... oh my..." Sarah turns to Delbert. "Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is to these two?"

Delbert fiddles with his glasses. "It's totally preposterous, two irresponsible teenagers traversing the entire galaxy alone."

Jim lets out a sigh, as Sarah crosses her arms in victory. "Now, at last, we hear some sense!"

"That's why I'm going with you!" Delbert exclaims, grabbing his bag.

Sarah furrows her eyebrows and glares at him. "Delbert!"

Jim and I switch glances, then look over at Delbert with a smile on our faces.

"I'll use my savings to finance the expedition," Delbert rambles, gathering his belongings in a rush. "I'll commission a ship, hire a captain and a crew!"

"You're not serious?" Sarah asks, hoping that Delbert was just joking.

"All my life, I've been waiting for an opportunity like this," Delbert beamed, sliding down a pile of books, "and here it is screaming, 'Go Delbert! Go Delbert!'" Delbert moves his arm around in a circular motion, making me snort.

"Okay. Okay! You're all grounded!" Sarah yells, rubbing her neck and sighing.

"Mom, look..." Jim begins. "I know that I keep messing everything up, and I know... that I let you and Y/N down..." Sarah's eyes become sympathetic, and her grip on her neck softens. "But this is my chance to make it up to you both. I'm gonna set things right."

"Sarah?" Delbert says, raising his hand slowly behind her. "If I may?"

Sarah walks over to Delbert, and whispers to her in private. I exchange looks with Jim, wondering what they're talking about.

"You said yourself, you've tried everything," I hear Delbert say. "There are much worse remedies than a few character-building months in space."

I walk closer, sticking my head over Delbert's shoulder, listening in to their conversation. They didn't seem bothered by my presence.

"Are you saying this because it's the right thing, or because you really want to go?" Sarah asks, grinning.

"I really, really, really, really want to go," Delbert whines, "and it's the right thing."

We all look back at Jim, and he looks back at us too.

Sarah sighs, moving his hair out of the way. "Jim, I don't want to lose you," she says. She looks over at me. "Y/N, I don't want to lose you either..."

He grabs her hand, smiling slightly. "Mom, you won't. I'll make you proud." He glances over at me. "We'll make you proud."

"Don't worry, Sarah. I'll look after Jim, as much as he'll look after me," I nod.

Jim nudges me, smirking. "You'll need a lot more looking after than me!"

"Oh please, Jim, I'm not the one who was almost sent to Juvenile Hall."

"Well, uh, ahem..." Delbert clears his throat. "There we are then. We'll begin preparations at once."

Jim wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer into him. I rest my head on his shoulder, smiling.

"Jim, Y/N, my children, soon we'll be off to the spaceport." He points to said spaceport, as Jim and I smile with anticipation. 

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