Chapter 11

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note

Hey guys! I'm really really sorry for the delay (also sorry for the terrible chapter name), I've been super lazy this past week and I've been rushing to get things sorted. I'm at the brink of changing the upload dates to Saturday and Sunday, but it won't change much because I'll still be uploading, no matter what the date is :)

Okay, almost 500 reads? I honestly cannot believe that this has happened. Thank you so much to those who have read this story, you mean so much to me <3 This is a huge milestone, and I guess we'll just have to wait for 1k now!

I also had an idea: If I somehow finish this story before Christmas, I could make a Christmas special chapter? Like, celebrating it with Jim, Sarah, Delbert and all that. And maybe even a proposal 👀

As always, enjoy!


Third Person POV

B.E.N, Jim and Y/N quietly jump over the railing of the ship once they've seen that there's nobody onboard.

"AHH-!" B.E.N cries out as he tumbles over.

"Shhh!" Jim and Y/N chorus.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," B.E.N apologises quickly, getting up.

They all tip-toe toward a flight of stairs, and peek down.

"Okay, I'll get the map. You wait here," Jim says, glancing at Y/N and B.E.N.

"Roger, Jimmy! I'll neutralize laser cannons, sir," B.E.N says, saluting.

B.E.N skips down the hallway, not listening to Jim calling his name repeatedly.

"Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me," B.E.N sings.

"Jim, I'll get the map, you follow B.E.N. I don't trust him with a bunch of wires," Y/N says.

Jim sighs, "Fine. Stay safe."

Y/N hugs him quickly and quietly makes her way to where the map was last seen.

(A/N: Altered this scene to make it a bit more spicy >:) Also, warning, a bajillion time skips coming your way)


Jim appears behind B.E.N, as they enter the electrical room.

"Disabling a few laser cannons. What is the big deal?" B.E.N says. "All we gotta do is find that one little wire."

They open the junction box and gasp as they see that there isn't just one little wire, but almost a thousand little wires.

"Oh mama," B.E.N gulps, Jim slapping his forehead.


Y/N and Morph find the pile of rope that the map was in, and Y/N smiles victoriously. She grabs the map out of the pile and keeps it close to her.

"Aw yeah," she grins.

Suddenly, an alarm begins ringing.

"Ugh, what are those boys doing!" Y/N scowls.


"B.E.N! Plug it back in!" Jim yells over the alarm.

"Bad, B.E.N, bad!" B.E.N winces. "Okay, fixing."

He plugs the wire back, and the alarm stops blaring.


"They're gonna get us all..." Y/N runs up the flight of stairs and stops in her tracks when she sees Scroop standing there. "... Killed."

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