Chapter 9

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note!

B.E.N is iconic and you can't change my mind.




I could hear the sound of the pirates cheering, shouting and moving about, throwing things and just making a mess of the ship. I heard the sound of a door being broken down, and not long after the sound of roaring. I assumed that it was Hands making that absurd noise, probably taking the pistols out of the room. Amelia throws open the cabinet where the map was being held, and grabs out a pistol.

"Pirates on my ship?" she asks, after Jim and I were finished explaining to her what happened. "I'll see they all hang."

She tosses the pistol over to Delbert. "Doctor, familiar with these?"

Delbert quickly grabs it, holding it by the handle cautiously.

"Oh, I've seen- Well, I've read-" he suddenly presses the trigger, causing a beam of light to shoot out of it, almost hitting Amelia.

She glances at the light beside her as her eyes widen.

"Uh, no. No. No, I'm not," Delbert says quickly.

Amelia sighs and rolls her eyes, Morph coming up to the map and admiring his reflection in it. I look back and notice that the pirates are trying to break in through the door.

"Mr. Hawkins, defend this with your life," Amelia commands, throwing the map over to him.

Morph intercepts the map, but Jim is quick on his feet and grabs it off him.

"Morph! Give me that-!" he yells, snatching it off of him.

He shoves it in his pocket, and I can still hear the sound of the pirates' drills trying to break the door down. Jim steps in front of me, and I place my hand on his shoulder.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I can take care of myself!?" I yell, this time being more serious than previous times.

"I know, I know..." Jim sighs. "I just don't want to lose you, Y/N. You know that."

I place my hand on his cheek, smiling.

"You won't lose me, I promise."

Suddenly, a massive explosion appears right before the door. Wooden pieces fly backward, the crew entering. Jim quickly grabs my hand, and we dash off along with the captain and Delbert.


I run in front of Jim, my hand in his. Instead of him dragging me along, I'm the one dragging him. Delbert cries out, maneuvering through the passageways underneath the ship. Luckily for us, Amelia seems to know where she's heading. Delbert falls down a flight of stairs, and I look back in fear when I see that the pirates were on our tail. Amelia pulls Delbert away, shutting the door behind us and holding out her gun. She secured it using some kind of heat, and ran off.

"To the longboats, quickly!" she demands.

We ran toward the boats, Jim and Delbert hopping in. Jim helps me up, and I tumble over the side, rushing to get in. Amelia pushes at a lever, and I look down to see the ship opening. Amelia quickly front flips into the boat gracefully, landing with absolute perfection. How even- I thought. I shook my head to escape my thoughts. After all, now was not the time to daydream. She cocks her gun, as Jim and I look over the side of the boat. Suddenly, Morph comes out of nowhere and grabs the map out of Jim's pocket.

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