Chapter 4

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note!

Oh my gosh y'all, 100 reads! You guys are amazing :') Thank you all so much! AHHHH!

I managed to finish this chapter today, so I think I'll get started on the next one tomorrow since I am tired. Anyways, enjoy!



I glance around in awe, watching several ships of different shapes and sizes fly overhead. Jim keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulder as we depart the ship.

"Jim! Y/N! Oh, wait for me!" I hear Delbert call from inside the ship.

I look back, to see Delbert in a yellow astronaut-like suit, as he looks around with some kind of worry plastered on his face. Jim sighs before chuckling and shaking his head.

"Well, Jim and Y/N, I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity for the three of us to get to know one another. You know what they say, familiarity breeds, uhm, well, contemplate, but in our case-"

Jim interrupts Delbert, sighing.

"Look, let's just find the ship, okay?"

I let Jim walk off, releasing myself from his grip and walk back to Delbert.

"Don't mind him, Delbert," I say, placing my hand on his shoulder, looking at him with empathy.

He frowns, watching me as I catch up with Jim.


"Second berth on your right!" a robot calls down to us from a ladder.

"You can't miss it," another alien adds.

Jim and I thank the two for their assistance, and wait for Delbert to catch up.

"It's the suit isn't it?" Delbert sighs. "I should never have listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman. This one said it fit, that one said it was my colour. I didn't know what to do. I get so flustered- Ooh!"

He bumps into Jim and I, Jim glaring at him with an annoyed expression.

Delbert looks up, and exclaims, "Oh! Jim and Y/N! This is our ship! The R.L.S Legacy!"

Delbert extends his hand to show the ship that we were to fly on. My jaw drops in awe, as I see a magnificent ship floating ahead of us.

"Woah!" Jim exclaims, examining the ship with a wide smile.

Aliens jump all over the ship, getting all the preparations ready.

"Stow those casts forward!" a man who looks as if he is made of rocks calls out. "Heave together now!"

The man wore a bright red coat with golden plates on the shoulders, and a formal pirate hat sat upon his head. Jim and I jump up the rail and onto the ship, bursting with excitement.

"How cool is this?" he asks me, placing his hand on my shoulder and looking around once more.

He bumps into another alien, as the alien grunts with a farting noise.

"Sorry about that! I didn't mean-"

The alien brings out his fist, farting excessively. Air comes out of the alien's mouth, making me and Jim's hair stick up in a ridiculous manner. I flatten my hair, watching with curiosity as Delbert starts blowing raspberries and farting noises with his armpit. I look back at the alien, and his tense face softens, and it seems that he begins laughing, face-palming himself.

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