Chapter 8

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Third Person POV

Jim and Y/N sit on the shrouds of the ship, staring out into the endless night sky. Y/N keeps her arms wrapped around Jim's shoulder for comfort, and he didn't seem to be disliking it. Silver approaches, resting his arm on the railing, a briar pipe in one of his hands. Jim fiddles with a rope, avoiding eye contact with Silver.

"It weren't your fault, you know," Silver says.

Jim lets out a sigh, not replying.

"Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss-" Silver began to say.

Jim scowls, throwing the rope away and jumping down. Y/N climbs down the shrouds to follow after Jim.

"Look, don't you get it?! I screwed up!" he yells. "For two seconds, I thought that maybe I could do something right, and make Y/N proud, but.. UGH! I just..."

"Jim, please-" Y/N says.

She had never seen him this upset, and it pained her to see him in this state. He was usually a laid back person; he never yelled. Of course, there were times where he'd get angry, but never to the point where he'd shout.

He leans on one of the poles, running his fingers through his hair.

"Just forget it.. Forget it," Jim sighs exasperatedly.

Silver grabs Jim's shoulder and spins him around.

"Now you listen to me, James Hawkins," he says. "You too, Y/N L/N."

Jim looks up at Silver reluctantly, tears in his eyes as Y/N stands next to him.

"Yous two have got the makings of greatness in yas, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course," Silver says reassuringly. "Stick to it, no matter the squalls, and when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails, and show what you're made of, well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comes off yous that day."

"And Jim, you already do make me proud. Sure, there have been times where I've been disappointed in you, but that doesn't change my overall thought; that you're a great guy," Y/N smiles gently, rubbing her neck. "You're my best friend, and always will be, no matter what," she takes his hand before continuing. "We're both in this together, 'til the very end."

Jim sniffs, blushing slightly. He rests his head on Silver's round stomach, his hand still in Y/N's. Silver widens his eyes, and looks around for a bit. Jim cries softly, as Silver pats him on the back. Y/N hugs both of them, specifically Jim.

"There, there," Silver coos. "Lads, it's alright Jimbo, Y/N. It's all right."

He hugs Jim tightly, before clearing his throat.

"Now, Jim and Y/N, I- Uh-, I best be getting about my watch, and yous best be getting some shut-eye," Silver says.

He frowns slightly, watching as Jim and Y/N stroll toward the staircase. Jim comes to halt right before the stairs, glancing back at Silver with a smile on his face. Y/N was already on one of the first steps, but notices that Jim wasn't following. She looks back, realizing that Jim was looking at Silver. She too, glances at Silver with a smile. Silver smiles, waving awkwardly. Jim looks back and jumps down the stairs one by one, Silver frowning once again. Morph flies around Silver with a grin.

"Getting in too deep here, Morphy," Silver sighs. "Next thing ya know, they'll be saying I've gone soft."

Morph rubs his face against Silver's, chittering. Silver chuckles, rubbing his neck and walking off. Scroop stands on top of the beam above Silver, frowning.

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