Chapter 5

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⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note!

Aye, guess who managed to finish a chapter even though they said they may not be able to post it B)

I'm so excited to write the next chapter, since it's the music video! :D I've never written one before, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. Anywho, I hope you enjoy <3


Third Person POV

An alien with six eyes stands on the look-out post, waving his hand frantically. In his other hand was a telescope with six different lenses, one for each of his eyes.

"We're all clear, Captain!" he shouts.

"Well, my friend. Are we ready to raise this creaking tub?" Captain Amelia asks.

"My pleasure, Captain," Mr. Arrow says. "All hands to stations!"

Jim and Y/N emerge from the kitchen, looking around as everyone runs to their spots to prepare for lift-off.

"Smartly now!" Mr. Arrow's voice can be heard shouting out orders and demands to the crewmates.

Y/N and Jim's attention divert over to some aliens climbing up the ropes, yelling to each other.

"Come on you scurvy scum, I'll race you!" one of them shouts.

"Loose all solar sails!" Mr. Arrow orders, the crewmates pulling at the ropes as the sails are released.

Y/N looks up in amazement, wishing that she could help. After all, she was just a cabin girl. Jim smiles at Y/N, his expression softening as he sees her look so content. A crewmate bumps into Y/N, exclaiming angrily. Jim scowls at him, pulling Y/N away from the crewmate so she could continue admiring the ship. He leaves his hands on her shoulders, to keep her protected from everyone moving around. The last thing he wanted was for her to get lost in the crowd,

"C'mon, Jim, I'm fine! I can look after myself," Y/N scoffs, moving away from him.

"I'm perfectly aware of that! I just don't want you getting hurt," Jim replies.

She rolls her eyes, keeping her distance from Jim as he pouts slightly. She chuckles, and ruffles his hair. The rockets at the back of the ship fire, the ship raising itself higher into the sky. Y/N runs to the side of the ship, looking down at the spaceport. Jim holds her steady, making sure that she doesn't tumble over the railing.

"Heave up the braces!" Mr. Arrow commands. "Brace up!"

The solar sails light up as soon as they hit the sun, shining brighter than a thousand stars. Jim and Y/N watch carefully, beams of light on the poles turning on one by one. A crewmate underneath the deck prepares to pull a lever. Y/N and Jim suddenly start floating, Jim moving closer to Y/N to hold on to her. He grabs her hand, and pulls her closer to him, hugging her.

"Ooh, oh!" Delbert exclaims as he realizes that he's floating.

He lays back, relaxing.

"Mr. Zoff, engage artificial gravity!" Amelia orders.

Mr. Zoff salutes, farting repeatedly. He presses a button, a ray of purple and yellow emitting from a machine. Jim and Y/N land on the ground, Jim's arms still wrapped around Y/N. She smiles nervously, releasing herself from Jim's grip, her face a slight shade of pink. Delbert falls to the ground with a THUD!, gears and screws shooting out of his suit.

"South by southwest, Mr. Turnbuckle, heading 2-1-0-0," Amelia says.

"Aye, Captain. 2-1-0-0," Mr. Turnbuckle parrots, using his multiple arms to spin the helm.

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