Chapter 14

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"Morphy, we gotta make tracks," I hear Silver say.

"You never quit, do you?" Jim asks, leaning on a pole.

"Ah! Jimbo, Y/N!" Silver exclaims when he turns around. "Haha! I was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure." Jim hums, walking up to Silver and kneeling down. I bob down beside Jim, watching as he unties the knot Silver did, and redoes it. "That should hold it," I smirk.

"Heh, I taught you two too well," Silver comments. "If you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison. Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit. Being in a cage... it'd break his heart." Silver wraps Morph around in his hands, Morph frowning and chattering sadly. Silver smiles down at us hopefully. Jim and I look at Silver with our big eyes, until we finally sigh with a smile. I nod at Jim and he pushes down the lever, causing the ship to open. Silver gasps, "Oh!" as Jim and I untie the ropes of the longboat. "What say you ship out with us?" Silver asks. "You two and me, Hawkins, L/N and Silver," Morph turns into a hat and rests on top of Jim's head, "full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!" Jim looks up at Morph and takes his 'hat' off. "Y'know, when I got on this boat, I would've taken you up on that offer in a second," Jim says, stroking Morph. "But, uh, I met this old cyborg, and he taught me that I could chart my own course."

"And that's what we're gonna do," I add on, holding onto Jim's hand, smiling at him. He takes a hold of my hand as well. "And what do you see off that bow of yours?" Silver questions.

"A future," Jim replies, and my expression softens. I tighten my grip around Jim's hand, and a single tear rolls down my cheeks. Silver chuckles lightly. "Why, look at you two, glowing like a solar fire. You two are something special, Jim and Y/N. You're gonna rattle the stars, you are." More tears seem to find their way to my eyes, and I laugh and wipe my eyes to hide them. Silver wraps his arms around us, as I cling onto him tightly. Even though Silver had done terrible things that were probably unforgivable to some, he was the father figure that Jim and I never had. Silver clears his throat and pulls away, saying, "Got a bit of grease in this cyborg eye of mine." He turns the other way and sniffs.

"Sure, grease," I tease. Morph looks at Jim and I, before suddenly bawling. "Aw, hey Morph, I'll see you around, okay?" Jim coos.

"Yeah, Morph. This isn't goodbye, don't you worry," I reassure him.

"See you around," Morph sniffs. He licks both me and Jim's cheeks, then flies toward Silver. Silver glances at us for a few moments before lifting Morph to his face. Silver whispers a few words to Morph, then looks over at Jim and I again, which makes me tilt my head in confusion. Morph rubs up against Silver's face and flies toward Jim and I. I laugh while Morph licks my cheek and circles around us. Silver hops into the longboat and I watch as it lowers down. "Oh, and one more thing," Silver announces. He fishes some jewels and coins out of his pocket and tosses it at Jim. "This is for your dear mother, to rebuild that inn of hers!"

"Oh, Silver," I chuckle to myself, shaking my head.

"Stay outta trouble, ya old scallywag," Jim sighs with a laugh.

"Why, Jimbo, lad, when have I ever done otherwise?" Silver grins, flying away. I hug Jim tightly as he kisses my forehead, and then the tears come back. I'm gonna miss you, Silver.


After a long journey back to the Montressor Spaceport, Jim and I finally arrive, and in one piece too. We're holding hands as we depart the ship, and honestly I can't believe we actually made it out alive. "Hey, Jim, I see your mum!" I tell him, shaking his arm. I point to a woman wearing a blue dress and a vanilla bonnet. She seems to be looking around wildly, possibly for us. She pushes through the crowd, unintentionally getting closer to us. I grab Jim's arm and drag him toward Sarah. Then, a thousand thoughts run through my head. Wait, how are we going to tell Sarah that we're together? How will she react? Will she approve, or disapprove? What'll happen if she disapproves? AHH- Suddenly my thoughts are disrupted by Jim's voice. "Hey, Y/N, I can tell that you're panicking, and trust me when I say that my mum is going to be ecstatic to hear that we're together. Honestly, you have no idea how many times she's asked me if we're together yet," he reassures me. I giggle to myself, before Jim grabs Sarah's shoulder and spins her around. Her mouth hangs open for a few seconds, until she pulls us into a bear hug. Morph flies in between us, Sarah gasping. "It may be bad timing, but are you two together yet?" she asks. Jim shakes his head with a sigh, before grabbing my hand. "Yes, Mum, we're finally together," he breathes out.

"Oh, finally! I'll cook the most delicious food to celebrate- oh, do you two need help with wedding planning? If you do, come to me, because I already have tons of ideas to share!" Sarah rambles. This is going to be a long day... I think to myself.


Morph turns into a pair of silver scissors, and cuts the red ribbon in front of him. After many months, the Benbow Inn was finally rebuilt. I helped with a few things, such as bringing materials and painting, and it was a lot of hard work. Not as hard as trying to find Treasure Planet, of course, now that was what you call hard work. There were extra stories to the inn, and it certainly looked better than it used to.


B.E.N comes out of the kitchen with plates filled with cake, and he passes one to me. "Thanks, B.E.N!" I smile.

"No problem, Y/N!" he beams. I look over at Amelia and Delbert, to see that they're holding their 4 children. I grin to myself, remembering the bet that Jim and I had placed. Jim bet that Amelia and Delbert weren't going to get together, because they 'fought too much', but I knew for a fact that they were. Jim ended up having to give me a minute long hug daily for 2 weeks! The door suddenly opens, and the robo-cops were standing there. The crowd gasps, but I smile. They step away from the door, and there Jim was, wearing a gorgeous white suit. His ponytail is cut off, and I feel my smile falter. I remember begging Jim not to cut it off, because it was one of the many things I admired about him. Nonetheless, he still looks handsome with or without it. Jim's eyes fall on me, and his smile becomes wider. I feel my heart melt. His loving gazes are what help me wake up in the morning. If I get to see Jim at least once, then my day is complete. Morph turns into a badge and places himself on Jim's blazer, as he makes his way toward me. He kisses my lips gently, and says, "You look gorgeous." I was wearing a F/C coloured dress that was just past my knees, and the end had lace running around it. I was wearing plain black flats, and my hair was left down. "I look gorgeous everyday, what do you mean?" I smirk.

"Haha, very funny," he kisses my forehead before we step away, and bow to each other. Some of the customers create a tunnel using flowers, while Jim and I link arms and skip through it. Amelia and Delbert go to the end of the tunnel, Delbert spinning Amelia around and catching her in a dip. B.E.N does a few dances himself, and I have to admit that he's quite a good dancer. Jim and I clap along with the music, standing beside the window. He looks up at the window with a small smile, before looking at me. He places his hands on my waist and pulls me into a kiss, then places his forehead on mine. "I love you so much," Jim breathes out.

"Guess what? I love you so much too," I reply.

"Y/N, you're my treasure."


⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- Author's Note

AHHHH WE REACHED THE LAST CHAPTER. Thank you guys so much for giving me a lot of love on my first fanfic; it's been a wild ride. This was so fun to write, and I'm honestly getting a bit emotional now that I've finished this sjgkdfksg

I'd highly appreciate suggestions on what I should write next, since I don't want to accidentally write something that y'all might not enjoy.

Once again, thank you SO SO MUCH for joining me on this adventure. See you in the next story! :) 

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