𝒪𝒻𝒻𝒾𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 ℳ𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃ℊ 𝒴ℴ𝓊 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 24

226 19 3

𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 2019

𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙮𝙤, 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣


"What's the date today, Mark?"

"March 18, why?"

"I just want to make sure I have enough time to send flowers back home for her birthday...I will get in so much trouble if I forget, you know...you how she is. Lately, she gets too clingy. She kept on calling me to know where I am" I laughed at her childishly demanding ways to show how much she loves me.

"Oh, yep, but you know how to deal with her. At least, she is more understanding now than before. Remember how Bam and Gyeom we're terrified of her and look how they're comfortable with her now."

"Yeah, I know. She knows that I love her and she understands me more now than before." Marked smiled and agreed to what I said. He knew how hard I worked for her to finally understand me.

"So after here, which location are we going to visit?"

"Ah....let me see...oh, our next hotel visit will be the Seoul location. Well be staying there longer, 2-3 weeks, it depends on how many meetings we'll have.  This location is ranked #1 among our other locations. I was planning of having dinner with the management team after we complete our initial hotel visit. Plus, our partners will also join us so...our schedule will be full."

"this will be our last hotel visit, right? Our partners will fly there, right? then after that I can get my long awaited vacation? when are we leaving for Seoul?"

"Yes, this is the last visit. And yes, Bam and Gyeom will fly and meet us there. Also, you can have your vacation after this. We're flying to Korea on the 20th at 9:00 am, is that ok with you or you want me to ask the pilot for a later time?"

"It's fine Mark.  No need. So what's our schedule tomorrow?" Mark informed me the schedule and then he said, "Aight, I better leave now so you can sleep early. And please, Jack, you better sleep. You looked terrible."

I sighed, "Mark, you know since you got married, you're so serious...loosen up. Go now and call the younger Mrs. Tuan so she won't kill me when we get home. And yes, I will try my best to sleep early." I pushed Mark out of my room.

I opened my laptop and surf the internet.  I got bored so I finally decided to check Instagram. I laughed when I saw the last time I updated my page. It has been over a year. I checked some notification and there was a direct message from @LovelyHailey94

from: @LovelyHailey94

Hi Jackson, it's me Hailey. I read the good news. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

I looked at the date she sent this. I chuckled. Hailey? I frowned trying to remember who Hailey was.  So I checked her page and scrolled down her feed. Oh, Hailey from Singapore. I continued to scroll down until I stopped  when I saw one of her posts, it was a photo with someone...someone from my past. I stared at that photo. I stared at the person beside her. I couldn't take my eyes off of that person...I softly whispered "Jinyoung....my love" I surprised myself when those words came out of my mouth. My love.

I had been working so hard all these time to prove myself to my family. To prove to Jinyoung that I can make it on my own without taking over my family's business. I must admit that all these time, I was angry with Jinyoung. I was angry that he didn't fight for me. He disregard my love. But seeing his photo for the first time again made me utter words that I had forgotten. Made me feel the emotions I haven't felt for a while. I miss him. His touch. His lips. I miss everything about him. I closed my eyes as I reminisced my memories of Jinyoung.

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