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??? POV

"Mom? Why must I be kept secret?"

"Because we want to protect you"

"But mom! I'm 10! When can I go out and have friends for the first time?!"

"Listen to your mother."

"Dad! Just because they found out about you guys doesn't mean I should stay in hiding too! I want to explore! Have adventures like the ones you and mom had before being caught!"

"You must understand! In this world, our existence is forbidden!"

"I think we lost her!"

"Dammit! Keep looking!"


My back leans against the wide tree. The moon's light shining against my face ever so slightly. My lungs begging for oxygen.



"Lucy, we love you."

"I saw her!"


I run, leaves crunching at each step I take. Arrows with poison and tranquilizer darts shoot past me. My legs want to give up but I can't. I'll be killed if I do.

"S-Stop, please!" I call out as salty tears form a path down my cheeks. I don't want to hurt these people. I don't!

An arrow passes by my neck by just an inch.

I legs give me one last push before I turn around.

"Major: Three!" I chant.

I feel some of my magic energy being directed to my hands, then, I blast my attack.

Soldiers are being knocked out left and right.

I thought I had it.

As the smoke cleared out, more soldiers were revealed but there was enough distance to keep them from attacking.

"Get her!"

I run. Again.

That's what I've been doing since I was 14 anyway.

My legs start to give out as I beg them to keep running for me. I trip and fall to the ground but stand up quickly.

I continue running until I feel myself being grabbed and pulled to the side. A hand covering my mouth while the other holds me tight.

"Shh..." is what I hear.

??? POV

I'm on the run. AGAIN.

There are wanted posters of everyone who has magic. I can be found in one of them.

I can barely see a thing in this forest.

"He's over there!"

Dammit! I thought I lost them!

I continue running with my partner. We can't get caught. Death is the consequence.

Why can't they see that magic is okay?

Well...except me of course. I'm different, but that doesn't mean I don't want other magic users to be free.


Arrows and darts shoot towards me.

Even in this darkness I manage to spot a cave that is slightly covered in vines but still provides a hiding shadow.

Our Existence Is Forbidden [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now