Taken away

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Gajeel's POV

It has been a week.

I'm glad Juvia made it out alive. I told her everything and she got to meet my annoying shrimp.

Master went away to take care of somethings and said he'd be back in a few weeks.

As for Lyon...we don't know anything. Juvia told me everything about Gray. I already warned him though. Juvia is like a sister to me and IF HE DARES HURT HER I WILL KICK HIS SORRY ASS!

Her friends seems cool though, except for that salamander and frosty guy...so basically just Lucy.

Lucy was quick to make friends with Erza, shrimp, Mira, and practically all the girls. How did she manage to make friends with Erza????

I shrug it off.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?"

I turn up to see Lucy. She was pointing to the spot beside me.

"Sure. What's up with the cheerleader outfit?"

She blinked at me then looked down at herself. She gasped and then took out some key like thing.

"OPEN GATE OF THE MAIDEN: VIRGO!" she yelled, definitely annoyed.

"Yes, Princess?" Virgo said.

Wait what???

"PRINCESS??" I asked surprised.

"No...she just calls me that. Anyway, Virgo, I told you not to change my outfits without my permission!" Lucy said.

"Okay, I'll change you back. I just thought Natsu would like it." Virgo disappeared leaving Lucy in her normal outfit.

Lucy sighed and looked towards me.

"So, you and Levy huh?" She said.

"Yeah, you and salamander?" I asked.

"What?! No way. He's my best friend is all."

I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows at her. She stuck her tounge out in response.

"Did you come here for something specific?" I ask.

She hesitated but then spoke up.

"Well...no...not really. I'm just feeling awkward is all I guess. Natsu is busy fighting Gray. Juvia is clinging on to him. Levy is helping Mira cook food. I thought talking to you would be interesting."

I threw some iron bolts in my mouth before replying.

"Eh. I'm not a good person to make a conversation with. What's your magic?"

"Celestial spirit magic. I can summon spirits including the zodiac and use their power through star dresses using these keys. I can also telekinesis and use the 5 majors."

Lucy demonstrated her telekinesis by making an iron bolt float in the air then made it hit my forehead.

"What was that for?!" I said, rubbing my forehead.

"For hitting, Natsu earlier." She giggled.

"What do you mean 5 majors?" I said, continuing to eat iron bolts.

" Major 1: I can make a protection barrier on myself and others.

Major 2: heal others except myself, I get hurt in return whenever I do though.

Major 3: transform my magic energy into an attack

Major 4: a powerful spell called Urano Metria." She explained.

Our Existence Is Forbidden [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now