Celestial Spirit Magic

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Lucy's POV

"Can...we please...take a break.." I said, gasping for air.

This guy...does he ever run out of energy?? It's been 2 days and we haven't stopped walking, only for eating and sleeping of course but the rest of the day is just plain out walking or running! I'M TIRED!

"Jeez, Lucy, you talk too much." Natsu said.

"I DON'T TALK TO MUCH! You really got a nerve, Dragneel!" I say, a vein popping on my forehead.

"Natsu..I'm tired too...can we stop?" Happy asked.

"Okay." Natsu smiled.

"You listen to the cat and not me???" I say.

Natsu just smiled in response. We set our bags down and Natsu took out a map. He stared at it.

Minutes passed and he's still staring at it.

"GAHHHHH!" he yelled.

Happy and I are brought back to reality with a jump.

"What???" I ask, clearly scared.

"How do you even work this thing?! It makes no sense!!" Natsu said, gripping onto the map hard making the sides of it crumble a little.

I walk up behind him to examine the map.

"YOU IDIOT!" I said, slapping the back of his head.


"THE MAP IS UPSIDE DOWN! Give me that!" I yelled, snatching the map from him.

We were close to a city named Hargeon.  I've heard that there's a secret magic shop! AND it might have other celestial keys! Maybe I can get a one!

"cy...ucy...Lucy...LUCY!" Natsu calls me back to reality.

"Sorry...we're close to a city named Hargeon but still kinda far. We should camp out near this lake right over here." I say, pointing my finger to the location.

"Okay. You hungry? I'm hungry. I want food. Let's go get food, yeah?" Natsu said in a hurry.




"Do...you need help, Natsu?"

"HAPPY I SAID I GOT IT...get back here you rabbit! Hey! Ughhhhh LET ME EAT YOU!"

I laughed at Natsu's attempt to catch us some food. There were three rabbits he was trying to catch.

"Natsu, let Lucy give it a try." Happy said, crossing his tiny arms.

Natsu came back in defeat and sat down criss-cross as he crossed his arms.

"Fine." He sighed.

"You say it like you don't believe that I can do a much better job than you." I said.

"EXCUSE ME??" Natsu gasped.

I laughed in response.

"I'll prove you wrong." I smirked.

"But I never said tha-"

"Star dress: Sagittarius!" I interrupted.

Natsu's POV

"Star dress: Sagittarius!" Lucy interrupted.

Her clothes transformed into a green armor like outfit and she held a golden bow in one hand.

She aimed at the three rabits and fired. Three arrows appeared out of no where and each had a flawless hit at each rabbit, killing them instantly.

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