Wizard Bounty Hunter

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Third Person POV


"Shh! Juvia! You'll wake them up!"

"Gray hurry up and tie their hands and feet!"

"I am, Happy! Jeez...okay almost done."

"Juvia thinks Gray-sama's and her hand should be tied up too!"

"Like hell...okay done!"

The three stepped back to admire their work. They giggled their way back to the camp site to pick up their stuff.

A few minutes later, they heard a BIG thump and splash of water. They all began laughing and approached Natsu and Lucy once again.

"Jeez, Lucy. You're that desperate for me?"




Gray was first to speak up.

"So...how you two sleep last night?" He said smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Juvia thinks Gray-sama and her should do the same sometime!"


Natsu burned off the ropes and walked up to Gray. His arms crossed.

"Look what you did, Popsicle! I'm drenched in water AGAIN! Lucy! Summon Virgo to give us MORE clothes..."

"It wasn't my idea, Flamebrain. It was Juvia's."

"GRAY-SAMA! It wasn't! It was Happy's!"


Lucy walked up to Natsu and Gray and Lucy kicked them both. Juvia and Happy ran back to the camp site to prevent any damages on their bodies.

Lucy summoned Virgo once again to give her DRY clothes.


Natsu's POV

Man...Gray just had to ruin it...I'm pretty sure it was him anyway.

According to Lucy, we are close to Magnolia. It's pretty weird seeing an actual town considering we travel through forests and mountains all the time. I'm starving. I need food. Food. Yes. Food. That's what I need. Food is the answer to everything.


The others jump in surprise at my sudden comment. Oops.

"Natsu! You just ate 5 minutes ago!" Happy said.

"So?" I said, adjusting my scarf.

"Juvia says Natsu should wait until-" Juvia suddenly stops and so do we. She seems scared or something judging by her face.

"Hmm...Juvia thought she heard something. Natsu, did you hear something?" She said.

"No." I answered.

Just then I heard something. Like footsteps. Are they after us already? I began to warn the others.

"Gray, you cover my left. Juvia cover my back, Lucy you- Luce? LUCY?!"

"Aye! Where is Lucy? She was right here!"

Her scent was still here though she wasn't.

"Oh you mean this chick?" A voice spoke above.

We all turned to it. A man with dark purple hair wearing a torn up cloak was casually swinging his legs from a tree branch. In his arms was Lucy. She seemed to be on the verge of unconsciousness. The man brought his head close to her neck and slightly brushed his lips against it.

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