New Person

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Natsu's POV

"Finally..." I sighed, dropping our bags to the floor lazily.

"Yeah...IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU WE'D BE HERE BY 8 BUT it's 10!" Lucy yelled.

"Aye! And I still want to go fishing!"

"I didn't do anything! And you yell too much" I replied, waving a dismissing hand.

"You call waking up a huge monster who tried to kill us not doing anything? AND I DO NOT YELL TOO MUCH!" Lucy yelled annoyed.

"Come on, Happy. Let's go get your fish and come back to sleep, okay?"


"What about me??" I ask.

"You've done enough, Natsu." Happy said, waving his paw goodbye at me.

Fine then. I'll stay back.


"KYAAAA! NATSU! HELP!" Lucy screams.

"No. I've done enough right?" I say.

That's what you get.


"Mmm...same thing" I shrugged.


Fine. But only because it will give us a lot of food.

"Fire dragon: Roar!"

The fish was surrounded by fire and instantly cooked.

"Natsu! It was for me! Lucy look what he did!" Hapoy cried as a Lucy hugged him.

"You didn't tell me that. Either way, we got food right?" I said, crossing my arms.


Lucy and Happy are sound asleep.

They had both continued fishing and ended up catching 10. Happy ate them all and saved one for tomorrow morning...which he's sleeping with right now.

Lucy is laying right beside him. I wonder why she chose not to tell us about the 5th McDonald or whatever that was called.

I shrug it off a lay down beside her. I turn and turn until I find a comfortable position, my body facing Lucy's back.

My eyes close as I fall into a deep sleep.

"I'm sorry!"

"I-It's fine,'s okay! Momma loves you still."

"No...please! Don't die!"



"Natsu. Never. Take. This. Choker. Off. Got it?"


"It's not time yet."


"WOULD YOU QUIT 'yeah-ing' ME??"



My eyes shoot wide open, my lungs gasping for air.

I regain myself and look around. Happy is here. Okay...WAIT WHERE'S LUCY??

I get up and follow her strawberry vanilla scent until I hear some voices.

"So it's over there?"

Our Existence Is Forbidden [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now