Major 5

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Lucy's POV

"NGHH!" Natsu groaned.

Zeref had hurt him badly yet Natsu is still going at him. Is he dumb or something? Doesn't Zeref realize that all if this is being broadcasted?

It hurts to see Natsu do this. I can't do anything still though. I've tried breaking through and so have the others but the barrier just shocks us each time.

"Give up! You can only defeat me in your E.N.D form! DONT BE FOOLISH!" Zeref yells as he attempts to hit Natsu. Natsu grabs his hand and slams him down to the ground.

"IM NOT E.N.D DAMMIT!" Natsu roars.

"Fire dragon: Roar!"

Flames cover Zeref though it seemed not to make any kind of harm. Not even a scratch. Zeref jumped out of the flames and grabbed Natsu by the throat.

"I caught you." Zeref growled.

Zeref slammed Natsu into a concrete pole but before Natsu could get up, he was held back by chains. Natsu was exhausted. He couldn't fight back anymore. I know he couldn't.

Zeref kicked and punched him, leaving Natsu on the verge of unconsciousness. It was a painting sight for me.

"Turn to E.N.D." commanded Zeref.

"No. Never." Natsu said. Even though Natsu can't fight physically, he still can. He's not letting E.N.D take control of him.

It's time. Time for my plan now. I know that if Zeref dies so will Natsu. That isn't going to happen.

"Hey guys?" I whisper.

"Yeah?" Cana responds.

"Take care of Natsu for me, okay?"

Before they could ask what I meant, I spoke up.

"You know what? I'm tired." I yelled, gaining Zeref's attention.

Zeref looked at me, trying to figure out what I was doing. I thought of everything I hated, everything that hurt me. My parent's death etc.

Natsu looked up weakly at me.

"I'm tired. I really am. If anything, I don't want to kill you Zeref." I said with anger.

Zeref seemed to be interested in my actions and laughed to himself.

"Why not?" He asked, still laughing.

"I want to kill Natsu." I said with the most venomous tone.

A few gasps were heard from the guild members. Levy placed a hand on my shoulder but I couldn't afford to put down my act so I shoved her to the floor.

I'm sorry, Levy. I must do this.

"Lucy.." Natsu whispered before coughing up blood.

Zeref walked up to me and came close to my face, examining my every move. I'm not scared though.

"He lied to me, destroyed all of Crocus, lied to the whole damned guild, killed Gray's family, he's E.N.D. He shouldn't even exist. All he does is bring pain and chaos. So what do you say? May I kill him myself, Zeref?" I said firmly.

Erza grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"LISTEN TO YOURSELF!" She screamed but I kicked her away. I'm sorry, Erza. I have to clear wizard's names. If everyone see's our actions, then wizard's can finally live in peace...Natsu will be saved. Happy was being hugged by Mira.

"My how the tables have turned. The darkness has finally taken over you eh, Lucy?" Zeref said before teleporting us both to stand before Natsu.

Zeref took off the cuffs from my hands. And smiled at me before stepping a good few feet away from Natsu and I.

"He's all yours." Zeref said.

I smirked and walked towards Natsu. I kneeled before him. I moved his chin upwards, forcing him to look at me.

"Don't try any tricks on me. What are you waiting for?" Zeref said.

"Oh please, I'm having my fun with this bastard." I said, standing up.

I turned back to Natsu who had was deeply hurt by my words. This hurts me too. You're not the only one.

"L-Luce?" He chocked out.


I kicked him right in the stomach, trying my best to hold back my tears. This hurt like a bitch. I don't want to hurt him.

I continued hurting him until I couldn't bare to do so anymore.

"Alright, I had my fun. Die, Natsu." I said, kneeling to before him again.

"Damn." Zeref chuckled at the sight if a badly beaten up Natsu.

I lifted Natsu's chin up to look at me, tears were in his eyes. I moved my head towards his ear, my lips barely touching his. I parted my mouth and whispered.

"You know I wouldn't. I'm sorry for hurting you, it was part of my plan. Wizards can live in peace now. You can too. "

I pulled back and placed my hands on his head. His face was confused yet scared.

"Thank you." I whispered.


"Lucy, never tell anyone what Major 5 is."

"But why?"

"Cause it will sadden those around you. Save this spell for a worthy person. Someone you truly care about."

"How will I know I care about them? How will I know they're worthy?"

"You will. You just will..."


"Major 5!" I yelled.

Natsu's POV

I...I don't understand. Part of her plan? What?! What does she mean? I know she wanted to clear wizard's names and stuff doing what?!

"Major 5!"

I closed my eyes.

Maybe she is going to kill, huh? It hurts that she'll be the one to- wait a minute...nothing is happening. If anything I feel...healed?

I open my eyes and see Lucy smiling. I look down and my whole body is healed. There is not one sign of it ever being hurt.

I look up at her and see black markings slowly appearing on her left arm.

It can't be. Did she...

"Zeref, you of all people. It surprises me, really. You fell for this so easily." Lucy said, still smiling at me.

I was too shocked for words. Tears had already escaped my eyes as I started to comprehend her true plan.

"You little!" Zeref said, launching at her.

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