Love and Secrets.

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Lucy's POV

It's been a week. We're close to Magnolia now.

I don't know, but I feel like he lied to me. I had no reason behind that question I asked. I was just curious about his life is all but he seemed to be caught off guard and it wasn't because of Igneel. He's hiding something and I know it.

I also believe he lied about his neck. He's gotten nervous about it 2 times now and it's obviously not about him being insecure.

Natsu. Natsu Dragneel, insecure? Pfft! No way.

I guess it's fair. I didn't tell him about Major 5 yet.

Everyone is asleep right now. I'm keeping gaurd tonight.

I stand up, walk up to the river, and stare at my reflection.

"Open! Gate of the water bearer: Aquarius!" I whisper.

"Well at least you summoned me in a proper place...the hell you want now??" She said.

"Company is all...sorry if I'm bothering. You may go back if you want." I said, looking at the stars.

"I-I'll stay for a while...don't think I care or anything!"

"Haha..yeah. Let's not make a lot of noise okay? The other's are sleeping" I giggle softly.



"You think we can do it?"

"Do what?"

"Find the guild."

"Of course you guys can. Now I have a question for you." Aquarius said.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You and that Natsu guy." She said.

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Loke told me he's your boyfriend." She said, nudging my shoulder.

"He's not my boyfriend! Ughhhhh" I blushed.

"Open! Gate of the Lion: Leo!"

"Yes, beautif- OW!"

I pushed Loke into the water then closed his gate back up. Yep! Revenge!

Aquarius let out a small chuckle.

"Good, only I can have a boyfriend. Do you love him though?" She asked.

"Aquarius!" I hissed and closed her gate as she laughed.

Natsu's POV

I couldn't sleep at all. I heard her get up and go the river nearby. I thought she would come back but then I heard another voice and panicked.

I got up and hid behind a tree with a bush beside. It was one of her spirits.

"Do you love him though?" Asked her spirit.

Him? HIM? Whose him? Wait stop. It's her life...whose him it that bastsrd Gray?

"Aquarius!" Lucy hissed as she closed her gate.

Oh her name is Aquarius then. BUT WHOSE HIM?!

Lucy stared up to the sky and I heard a silent sob.

No Lucy don't cry! Why is she crying anyway??

I step out of hiding but step on a branch, cracking it.

"Dammit.." I whispered.

I look up only to find Lucy in her Cancer star dress, she is launching towards me with blades in each hand.

I wave my hands in a panic.

"W-W-Wait! WAIT! LUCY! Don't- OW!" I say.

I'm now pinned to the ground with Lucy on top of me, a blade against my throat, threatening to cut it open.

"N-Natsu! I'm so sorry! I thought it was-"

"It's fine, Luce. But please don't kill me..." I say nervously.

She blushes as she realized the position we were in and quickly gets off. I scratch the back of my head.

We sit down by the edge of the river and I leaned back against a tree while Lucy did the same with another tree not to far from me. Lucy looked up at the night sky. Her head resting on her knees as she hugs her legs, the moon's light shining on her face, emphasizing her chocolate colored eyes.

She turned around and a faint blush reached her cheeks.


I quickly looked away.

Great, now I look stupid! Way to go Natsu! She has a boyfriend...probably and here you are staring at her like a creep!

"Nothing." I say.

After a while I decide to ask her.

"So...who was it Aquarius was talking about?" I ask smirking. I asked this for two reasons. One, I wanted to know and two, I thought it would be fun to mess with her.

My plan worked out perfectly. She began to steam as her face turned completely red.

"H-How much did y-you hear?!" She said covering her face.

"Not much. Only Aquarius asking you if you loved him." I said, a feeling of jealousy spreading through me.

Come on, Natsu! Cut it out! It's not like you love her or anything.

"O-Oh. Well it was nothing but a misunderstanding formed by Loke."

I don't know why but I felt relieved. As if an elephant was lifted off my shoulders. Weird.

"Can I ask you something else?" I said.

Lucy peeked through her fingers and looked at me, then dragged her hands down and grabbed her legs again.


"Why were you crying? Your eyes are still watery." I said in a concerned voice.

Again, I don't know why but I don't like seeing her hurt. It hurts me.

"I wasn't crying." She lied

"Lucy..." I said, giving her a look.

"I wasn't."


" parents." She finally confessed. She looked away from me and rubbed her arms as she shivered.

"Here. Come." I said, patting the spot beside me. She's clearly cold. Her fault for barely wearing any clothes.

"What do you mean come? I'm right here?" She said. Jeez...dense much?

I got up and sat behind her. I picked her up and cradled her against me, her head against my chest.


"You were cold. Tell me, what about your parents?" I asked, holding her tight as I warm my body to warm her up.

"Thanks...and nothing. It's just that I miss them." She said softly.

"Did they..."

"Yeah. They died when I was 14. Since then I've been running." She said, tears staining my shirt.

"'s okay...don't cry. You got me now to keep you company. You got that idiot Gray, Juvia and Happy as well. Soon we'll have a guild!" I said in attempt to cheer her up.

She giggled softly and I smiled at the sound, resting my head against hers.

"Are you actually trying to cheer me up?" She said.

I blushed slightly.

"Don't go getting used to it." I huffed but gained another giggle from her.

"What's major 5?" I ask.

"It's a spell." She replied.

I hmph'd at her and decided not to push it. Maybe she has a reason she doesn't want to tell me. It's a secret I suppose.

I felt my eyes get heavy and before I know it, we were both sound asleep.

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