"-Sama" and Guilds

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Gray's POV

"Can you let go of me?!" I said annoyed. Jeez what's her problem??

She let go of me and I finally got a chance to breath.

She had wavy blue hair down to her mid back. She wore a hat and some odd looking blue outfit.

"My name's Gray Fullbuster. Ice maker magic. Who a-are you?" I asked.

"This Juvia! Juvia is glad to meet you!" She smiled.

So she talks in 3rd person? Weird.

"Hi, Juvia! My name is Lucy Heartfillia! A celestial spirit wizard. Nice to meet you!" She said, I turned around to towards Lucy and the others but shivers were sent down my spine.

"So does that make us romantic rivals? Lucy shall not take Gray-sama from Juvia!"


"Nice! Ice pants has a girlfriend! My name's Natsu Dragneel, fire dragon slayer by the way." Natsu said.

Juvia began to blush and smile happily before jumping on my back.

Clingy much..

"HEY! Get off me!" I yell.

"Aye! My name is Happy! What's your magic, Juvia?"

"Juvia uses water magic! Juvia thinks Gray-sama's and Juvia's magic is similar!" She giggled.

"Oh so that's why it was raining." I say.

"It rains all of the sudden whenever Juvia is sad." She said.

"Why were you sad?" Natsu asks, adjusting his scarf while munching on some apple he found.

We began walking towards our destination again, Ecua, but Juvia held on to my hand.

"Well...Juvia lost her partners. Juvia is glad she lost one of them but is sad she lost the other."

"Who are they? Or...were?" I ask.

"Gajeel was Juvia's partner. He is like a brother to Juvia and Juvia is sad. Gajeel is an iron dragon slayer like Natsu!" She said.

"No way! Really?!" Natsu laughed.

"Who's the other partner then?"Happy asked.

"Lyon. He was all over Juvia. Juvia did not appreciate that. Especially now that she has Gray-sama!" She giggled.


"LYON?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I yelled, gaining everyone's attention.

"Yes. Why, darling?" she said.

"He's...my brother...kinda." I said, scratching my head.

"You have a brother?" Happy asked.

"His mother took me in after my parents died and taught me all about ice magic. She got killed by a demon, Deliora. I ran away thinking it was my fault. I gained demon slayer magic and I'm after E.N.D. but anyway...yeah, I havent seen that idiot of Lyon in a while." I said.

Lucy stopped and hugged me. Natsu sighed and Juvia hissed at her.


"Haha..calm down, Juvia. I don't love him. I was just trying to be nice."

"Thanks." I said.


Natsu's POV

Finally we reach Ecua after 4 days. Juvia has been all over Gray. But...he isnt complaining as much anymore

I smirk at the thought.

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