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Don't hurt them.

I'll think about it

Please! Enough people have been hurt!

Aww! Cute. Sad that you have taken over almost all of Crocus, yeah?

That...that wasn't me. It was you!

You ARE me. I AM you. WE did it.


Oh look! Here we are.

I open the cell and faces full of surprise begin to appear.


"Natsu! You're back! It's been how long?"


Shut up. Now let's put an act shall we?


"Ah, Lucy, it's been a year
I missed you so very much!" I say, as a smirk makes its way to my face.

"You're...not Natsu." She said. The rest of the guild had angry looks on their face.

"Oh come on! It's me! Natsu! Why the long faces?" I say, laughing.

"Bastard! You aren't!" Gray yells, attempting to punch me but I catch it. I throw a hit which sends him crashing against the wall.

Don't hurt them!

What are you going to do about it? You're in my mind. Shut up now, yeah?

"You're not my Natsu." Lucy says, tears in her eyes.

"Natsu and I are the same Person. Now get your damn face out of my sight." I spit, pushing her down to the ground beside me.

"Why are you here?!" Wendy shouts.

"To take you to the big show! I'll kill Zeref today, in Fiore that is. Oh wait!" I begin to laugh.

"You haven't seen how we decorated Fiore and all of Crocus yet have you?!" I say will laughing.

I make the walls transparent, revealing the ground beneath us. Corpses, blood, fire, it was a gorgeous sight!

"Don't worry. There are plenty of people still alive. One more thing, all of this will be broadcasted. Everyone will see this." I laugh.

Bastard! Let me talk to Lucy!

As if.

"N-No.." whispered Erza.

"Are you scared? The mighty Titania is scared?!" I laugh.

Man! This was a sight to see!

I teleported us to the site where I would kill Zeref. It was an open field. Fire and fallen buildings laid around us. A couple of corpses here and there but so what? It was lovely and calming. There were was a giant screen in the sky, people from all around could see our every movements.

I locked Fairy Tail in a barrier and began step out of it.

I felt a tear escape my right eye. That means...I'm losing control? I have to hurry and kill Zeref

"NATSU! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Lucy yelled, her hands gripping against the barrier.

She's annoying. I'll teach her.

Our Existence Is Forbidden [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now