Broken Promises

295 13 18

Natsu's POV

It all happened so fast yet slow. Everything went in slow motion. The only sound I could hear was my heart's beating. Pounding against my once wounded chest.

Lucy used her Cancer star dress and plunged her blade into her stomach. Zeref stopped midway of his attack to grip his stomach, the same area Lucy had stabbed herself. Lucy twisted the blade as it became slightly bigger. Blood was being lost. A lot of it.

My heart stopped, my eyes wide and shocked.

The guild memebers screaming for her name. The screams were unbearable. They were suffocating.

"L-L.." I choked but nothing came out.

Zeref continued to grip on to his stomach harder. But he lost the fight, he fell down to the ground. Dead. He was dead. Lucy cracked a smile at me.

"M-Major 5...s-soul t-trans...fer" she fell down with a sad smile, one I will never forget. Her lifeless corpse laying there a couple feet away from me.

"L...uce...LUCY!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. The chains disappeared and I rushed to her body. I wanted to hug her, but I couldn't so I quickly backed away to the spot I was before.

The guild members were set free and came rushing to us. Levy and Happy were crying the most. Everyone grieved for her yet no one seemed mad at me.

It can't be. It's all just a bad dream. It has to be. It NEEDS to be. Not Luce. She..

Gray came towards me, his tears dropping to the floor infront of me and I dared not to look at him in the eye. I just couldn't.

"Natsu. Don't blame yourself. She did it for us wizards. She did it to save you."


It's been hours.


"Come, Natsu."

"W-We need to's been 8 hours."

"Leave me alone."



"Whenever you're ready, meet us over there. We'll be gathering stuff around..."


It's been hours. My head was resting on my arms which were propped up by my knees.

This is all my fault. Lucy I'm sorry. IM SORRY. Why? Why did she do it? Why not let me die? Why not save herself? I was never meant to be alive. I was created. But now? I'm human...but it doesn't matter. Lucy is dead because of me.


"You're Natsu Dragneel?"


"Your crimes will be pardoned. Your friend Lucy. She did it. From this day forward, wizards will join guilds. We will rely on you guys."


"Mr. Dragneel, don't be sad. Smile. That's what your friend would've wanted. We saw it all."

"Leave me alone."


Lucy is the savior of all wizards.. their existence isn't forbidden anymore. But my existence should be forbidden. Not theirs.

Lucy should be alive still.

"I'll always be here for you. I will NEVER leave your side. I promise."

My remaining tears begin to fall again at the memory of our promise. This hurts more than I thought it would when it came to thinking about losing her.

I extend my right arm out, my head still covered by my left arm on my knees.
I hold out my pinky. The one I'd sealed off the promise with.

"You promised, Luce..." I choke out.


So...yeah..that happened.

I edited that picture in the media so it would look like that. I CRIED WHEN I DID. LIKE...OUCH!

But anyway...

Guess what? This is the last chapter T^T

Should I do a second book?

Bring Lucy back to life? Or let this be the end?

Edit 1-4-2021:

The sequel to this book, "Long Time No See," has been completed.

And the sequel to that one is being worked on :3

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