Fairy Tail

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Lucy's POV

"Loke I'm fine!" I said.

"Dont worry, sweetheart! I'll save you!" He said, picking me bridal style.

I sweat dropped.

It's been a few minutes since I woke up. I had passed out from Argen's device he implanted on my back. Loke helped get rid of it but it left a nasty cut. He bandaged up though.

"Hey! Put me down! I can walk!" I said, patting his chest.

He put me down leaned forward, arching my back and extending my arm past him.

Such a gentleman....NOT.

"Let us ride into the distance on a white horse! OW!" He said.

I was going to protest but suddenly Loke was punched across his head, sending him flying to the left of me and his gate closing. I fell backwards on my butt.

I look back up and see Natsu had been the one to punch him.

"White horse my foot!" He yelled towards where Loke disappeared. Natsu stuck his tounge out at it and offered me a hand.

"So you good?" He asked.

"Yep! Did Scorpio help you guys?" I asked. I sent him to help them before I passed out.

"Yeah, thanks, Luce! What happened to you?" Natsu gave me his signature smile before pointing to the bandages on my back, a frown forming on his face.

"Nah, don't worry. I'm okay." I smiled.

"You love him~" Happy cooed.

"SHUT IT STUPID CAT!" I said, banging his head.

I look towards Juvia and smile. I look towards Gray and immediately regret doing so.

"GRAY, YOUR CLOTHES!" I yell, covering my eyes.

"When did this happen?!" He panicked.

"Gray-sama! Juvia is not ready yet!"

"THAT'S NOT WHY I DID IT!" Gray panicked again as he threw his clothes back on.

"Pervert" Natsu smirked.

"Human torch." Gray said.

Natsu flinched.


"Ice minty fresh!" Natsu continued, grabbing my wrist and dragging me as he walked.

"tsk.." Gray groaned.

We continued walking north until we heard voices...a lot of them...and music?? We looked at each other and shrugged, deciding to keep going forward with caution.

It didn't take long before we saw a huge building. A sign reading "Fairy Tail" with a symbol on top was in the middle of the structure.

I looked back at Natsu and the others.

"We did it!" Happy said, flying towards the doors as we followed.

We knocked and and a woman with white long hair and pick dress opened the door. Everyone went quiet inside.

"Who are you?" She said, turning into a demon like outfit.

"W-We a-are wizards!" Juvia said.

"I'm a celestial spirit wizard, he's a fire dragon slayer, he's an ice make wizard, and she's a water wizard. This cat right here is an exceed!" I say, waving my hands in a panic.

The woman turned normal again and smiled.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail! My name is MiraJane. Let's get your Fairy Tail mark on you guys! HEY EVERYONE! We got new members!" She said.

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