Chapter 3: Try some pudding!

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   In the hotel resort, a group of eight kids were walking through the food court. This group consisted of: Sugino, Kanzaki, Okuda, Nakamura, Sugaya, Maturity, Playfulness, and Seriousness. They were all surrounded by plentiful places to eat, ranging from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and most importantly dessert. The perfect place to find Sweet-Tooth.

"So you're saying that Sweet-Tooth will be here eating dessert," asked Sugino to Maturity.

"Yup, this resort has a really good pudding place and, knowing Kayano, she will most likely be there eating pudding," replied Maturity with confidence, "and there's also a chance that she would have brought Innocence to eat pudding with her." Playfulness nodded in agreement. She had a glint of happiness in her eyes because she was also craving pudding.

"There is also a chance that Laziness would also be them as they'll be just there sitting around," continued Seriousness.

In the back, Sugaya and Okuda were chatting. "You know it's kind of weird seeing Karma act and talk all serious. He would usually say a sarcastic remark about Nagisa or something, but both of them are really acting like they say they are," remarked Sugaya.

"It is a bit strange, but I really don't mind him. Though I do miss his sarcastic remarks," Okuda said with a smile. They then continued to walk to the famous pudding store.

Seriousness had heard this conversation and had just slightly grinned. He had a little blush on his face, but he shook it off and continued walking.

They continued walking until they reached the pudding place. It was near the hotel fountain and there were tables and seats. They were all scanning the area until they heard a familiar voice.

"Try some of my pudding Inny~," a familiar greenette said to another familiar blunette.

Their eyes widened at sound and turned their heads to the source of voice. At one particular table was a familiar group of three. One was a redhead sleeping with his head down wearing a red Hawaiian shirt With the letters 'Lz' on the left chest and black shades. Another was a girl with green pigtails wearing a green blouse with the letters 'Sw' on her left chest. She was eating caramel pudding and sitting beside another familiar blunette who was eating a vanilla pudding and drawing something on a piece of paper. They all seemed to be enjoying their day.

At that moment, Maturity and the others started running to the group of three.

"There you are Inny," exclaimed Maturity with relief towards the other blunette.

The sitting greenette and blunette looked to their look-alikes and the people with them. Their eyes widened at the sight and then smiled happily while the redhead was still asleep.

"Matty," the blunette presumed to be Innocence shouted and ran to Maturity. He was wearing a sleeveless light blue hoodie with the letters 'Inn' on the left chest of the hoodie. The others looked at the doppelgänger and told themselves in their mind that the blunette looked rather cute.

"Matty?" Nakamura smirked at the nickname and let a little chuckle.

Maturity blushed a little, but just coughing to gain back is composure. "Ah yes, some of us use nicknames for each other as it's sometimes hard to say our full name," said the now calm Maturity. He then looked back at Innocence.

"Where have you been Inny? I was worried sick about you," Maturity inquires his counterpart like that of a caring older brother. Innocence made a sad look.

"I got lost and I saw Sweety and Lazy and I just stayed with them," said Innocence innocently.

"Well you did the right thing, but try stay close with me ... okay," Maturity said calmly.

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