Chapter 15: Questions

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   "Wait ... I know you, " Nagisa said, very void of emotions.

"Composure-kun?" Jealousy took a small step forward towards the blunette, but her heart had told her to stop and so she did. Small tears were flowing from her eyes as she couldn't bear herself and see Nagisa or rather Composure after literally just 'killing' him hours ago.

"You're Jelly-san, am I correct," Nagisa said, still with a composed and straight face. "I assume you couldn't sleep too." He then took a step towards the girl, but Jealous took a slight step back. To him, it seemed that she was afraid of him. A vague disappointing expression was evident on Nagisa's face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he softly said as he went back to the balcony railing as he stared back at the gleaming crescent moon in the sky. "It's just that my eyes tend to wig out sometimes when I feel threatened. I came here just to think about today." Jealousy's guilt was slowly building up again. "I've been trying to remember what happened to me earlier today, but it's just all vague and unclear." Jealousy gulped inside as she wanted to forget Composure's death and here he is alive.

"I ... see," the girl responded hesitantly as she slowly walked next to the boy on the terrace. Despite her conflicted feelings, she still felt safe around the blunette. "D-do you r-remember anything in particular?"

There was a long pause after she asked the question until he decided to answer. "Not much really. I only remember the names of those inside and what they are like, that's all." He turned his head to the girl next to him. "Though I do remember you specifically the most though, but I could be wrong."

"W-why me? It could be any of the other Kayano's," she tried to defend herself to the best of her ability.

"You could be right. It's just I remember your face specifically. It was like a dream, and it was just your face and you were just crying," he calmly explained to the girl. "It all felt really real and at that time my body felt really weak, but I don't know. I could be wrong and it was just my imagination." Deep inside, Jealous was screaming at herself. She just wanted to scream and tell Nagisa to forgive her for everything she has done to him, but she restrained herself. She was able to control her temper better since the tentacles were out of her system and hopefully out of Kaede's body as well.

"I don't know about the me crying part, but maybe it's better if you don't remember some things, Nagisa," she told the blunette in which he nodded. "Sure, I guess," he responded calmly. "I just wonder why it was you though." Nagisa put his hand on his chin as he contemplated the potential reason for specifically remembering Jealousy.

While he was pondering the reason, Jealousy tried to find a way to change the subject. "Besides that, how are you feeling," she asked nervously. Nagisa then broke out of his trance and faced the girl questioningly. "I'm fine, he answered, "i just feel tired, but my mind won't let me sleep." Jealousy then thought of an idea on how to make both of them sleep while having some fun at the same time. Despite her own feelings, she personally wanted to have some alone time with Nagisa as she couldn't really bring herself to talk to him with her classmates and the other Kayano's.

"Well we could play a game," Jealousy asked Nagisa who gave her a confused look. "A game," he asked. "Yes, a game. We'll be playing 20 Questions. We both ask each other one question each until we together reach 20 questions, so we both ask 10 questions to each other. We have to answer truthfully, but if one of us refuses to answer then they would have to do a very small dare." She smiled a bit at the last part as she hoped she could get some information about the boy pertaining to his mental mindset and ... other stuff. "Well I guess that's fun. You could start since you suggested it," Nagisa replied as the two of grabbed some pillows to place and sat down on the pavement of the terrace beneath them. They had closed the door to the terrace so they could speak louder than before without waking up their classmates.

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