Chapter 4: Someone needs a hug

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   Along the beach, another group was walking around in search of their friends' doppelgängers. This group consisted of Hinano, Hayami, Chiba, Kimura, Fuwa, and with Mr. Karasuma trailing behind them.

"I don't see anybody nearby," complained Kimura.

"Yeah, we're practically the only ones on the beach," said Hinano, still looking around the beach.

"We did need to be the only ones here to assassinate Koro-sensei," Chiba added.

"That damn octopus forgot his disguise so we also had no choice," Mr. Karasuma said in an annoyed tone.

"Maturity did say that Insecurity liked the ocean just like Nagisa did so he has to be around," Fuwa deducted with her impressive detective skills.

"Let's just keep looking," Hayami finished.

Somewhere on the beach, there were two small figures sitting on the shore. One had blue hair with one low pigtail and was hugging their legs together while sitting. They were wearing a zipped up blue hoodie that had the letter 'Ins' on it. The other had green pigtails that seemed to be trying to cheer up the other and was wearing a pink dress with the letter 'Ch' on it. These two were Nagisa's insecurity and Kayano's cheerfulness.

"Hey it's okay Insy. We all know your boy and your tougher than anyone I know," Cheerfulness said to the sad boy.

"I don't know Cheery ... I don't think I'll be considered a boy by other people. I have a feminine body, I don't have real talent, I'm weak," Insecurity muttered sadly.

Those words broke Cheery's heart. "Don't think like that. You are a boy no matter what anybody says. Everybody loves you and you do have talent," she said enthusiastically.

"Really ... well what girl would love me. I'm just pathetic. Mom was right ..." Insy said in a more depressed tone.

"That's not true," Cheery yelled bring the attention of the boy. "I-I-I ... lo-," Cheery attempted to say until she was interrupted. Her face was blushing profusely.

"There you are!" yelled Hinano in her usually cheery tone.

"You guys were here the whole time," Kimura said surprised.

"Oh hey guys, fancy meeting you guys here," Cheery said in a cheery tone that even rivaled Hinano's.

"Oh hi there," Insy replied in a sad and soft tone. His eyes looked a bit red.

"We were looking for you two and the others so we can bring back Nagisa and others," Mr. Karasuma explained to the two.

"Oh ... sorry if we caused any trouble. I really am worthless," Insy sniffles at the group. The group then shocked to see a version of Nagisa so down and vulnerable. They never knew that Nagisa had his side of him.

"It's not your fault," Hinano added trying to make the poor boy feel better.

"You guys were probably just confused after the incident occurred," Fuwa deducted.

"So don't blame yourself for this mess, you were just in the middle of it," Hayami said in a bit more concerned tone.

"But I do deserve the blame. Nagisa picked up the stone which caused all the mess and that makes me a screw-up," Insy yelled with tears starting to form in his eyes. Everyone was taken back at the outburst.

"Nagisa ... I mean Insecurity-kun," Mr. Karasuma stepped in, "You are a student of class 3-E. All of you are talented and gifted in your own ways. You helped your friends and so they'll be here with you. We do all care about you and without you, we would all stilll be in danger from Takaoka. For that, I'm am grateful. Don't think too little of yourself. I would say that I'm proud to be your teacher," Mr. Karasuma said firmly but in a caring way. Insy then looked shocked and looked at the people around him.

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